Tales of Zestiria #01 — Prophetic Prophecy of Prophesizing
July 10th, 2016
By the way, have you heard about the prophecy?
FYI, Re:Zero's broadcast is delayed by (at least) half an hour today. I'll cover it at least this week, but it's still on the bubble, even with Macross and Zestiria turning in C- efforts at best.
Ufotable, please ease up on the CGI scenery, especially when you have actually drawn characters skimming over it. It looked godawful in the PSX era and it looks awful now. And did we really need an entire sequence where DLC-girl reads a wall? And then we get more of it later when it's just the standard boilerplate "The hero is the hero" crap. I've always despised prophecy crap in stories anyway. Sure, it can be twisted in more interesting ways, but like amnesia and flashbacks, rarely is it used well. It's almost always just used as an excuse for why the protagonist is the greatest ever by default and everyone believes in them, no matter how big a sack of ass he is.
We get our first tastes of the actual protagonists this week, and they're quick to dispel any questions of whether or not they're dullards. My favorite part is when one announces "This is no ordinary lightning!" What clued you in, Captain Obvious? The way it appeared out of nowhere, the way it's moving horizontally past you, or the way it's forming a triangle in mid air? The whole episode was spent faffing around about how a prophecy exists, so in that way, it's dreadfully similar to the first episode. Still waiting for the adventure or RPG to kick in. Good thing for it that the other things on Sunday are dreadful.
Posted in Tales of Zestiria | 6 Comments »
you got something false here, she is not an “DLC” girl right now. for now she is part of the Main cast.. Well, Players of the Game know this….