Macross Δ #07 — Super Ultra Wonder Teens
May 15th, 2016
Dressing in catface is so not politically correct.
I don't know if it's a good or a bad sign when the characters themselves are pointing out how stupid this plan is. On one hand, it shows at least some scant level of self-awareness. On the other, they went ahead with it anyway. On the other, other hand, sending their ace idols and pilots on whom the backbone of their army is based to infiltrate the mind controlled cat planet is something different from the last month of repeated episodes, and after all the repetition, different is welcome. Unfortunately though, while there weren't any concerts eating up long periods of time, or generic it was still a pretty damn drawn out and plodding episode, especially towards the end with the mind control crap with the apples that seemed to exist solely so they could pretend Freyja's stupidity contributed something to the episode. Well, and to pad it out another few minutes, obviously.
Most of what I took from this episode though was how ridiculously heavily they were leaning on "These teenagers are just the greatest most godly teenagers ever," even while half of them still haven't learned not to scream their heads off while sneaking into enemy bases, not that it mattered because they didn't actually struggle against anything for the entire episode. Running into their first challenge on the planet was the cliffhanger for next week. It's been a problem the whole run, but this week's episode was something else. How strapped for personnel must the military be if the same group of overexcitable teenagers is sent to handle literally every single problem? I see they have no problem spending the manpower to make special shaped charges in the shape of rabbits though. Then again, they're up against military defense that can be snuck through while singing. And these idols are also the greatest hackers known to man.
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Catgirls, why is it always catgirls?