Aquarion Logos #19 — “Here’s What You’re Supposed To Be Shipping”
November 5th, 2015
Whew. I wasn't sure for a minute.
A date episode. Not that anybody reads this, but feel free to skip basically to the last few moments when Akira starts swatting at giant magical invisible owls while Maia gets taunted by her phone and invisible evil ghost women. This episode was obviously supposed to show that Akira's destined woman is Maia and not Poofy Hair, but A.) Akira's barely even acknowledged her existence since episode 1, and B.) In both the first OP and especially double triple vanilla milkshake no takesie backies in the second OP, there has been no question at all about this. So here we are, with an entire episode dedicated to explicitly specifying something that has never been in doubt or question. Why? We got CDs to push, bitches! Get those insert songs out to emotional moments! Were they actually emotional? Pfft. Doesn't matter! CDs are what's important!
Oh, and I guess there was also the budding romance between Sidekick A and Bridgebunny B. As much as I like to see that kind of thing and showing that not every single person in the cast is irresistibly drawn to the protagonist, the fact that I honestly can't remember their names off the top of my head speaks to why I can't muster up anything more than a resounding shrug of apathy towards it. It was fineish, but far too little on that front, far too late, and with characters that couldnt possibly be less important to anything. Also, Maia's dress is hideous.
Posted in Logos | 6 Comments »
> Not that anybody reads this…
I always read the first sentence and stay for the Van Halen puns. I also enjoy the hamster pictures.