Concrete Revolutio #02 — Clearly Dresses Himself

October 11th, 2015


Basically every character who uses "oira" pisses me off.


Still not really able to get into this. Apparently the chronological jumping around is unfortunately more than just a first episode gimmick. It was a little more wholly contained this time, but it was also a lot less substantial, not to mention the scant action of the first episode was reduced to nothing at all. Even the 'confrontation' of Beetlegirl Adult Ver just involved some staring at each other, a short conversation, and then everybody went home. I especially liked that he couldn't recognize her… because of the mask, as if he meets a ton of beetle-based, blue haired girls in his life.

Also, the character this focused on was almost as bad as Garo's Short Round. He even speaks like a flippant moron. The rest of the cast barely existed at all this week, and it was mainly to explain things. No manic energy or colorful expressiveness this time around. Just a little kid turning into weird looking crap and crying about friendship. The next episode does look like it might be a bit better, if just for dumping the kid, but it's lucky it doesn't have much competition on Sundays.


Next Episode:


Serious glasses man.

Posted in Concrete Revolutio | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • v1cious says:

    Genocide… That’s a new one for Bones.