Valkyrie Drive #01 — Wearing Its Tits on its Sleeve

October 10th, 2015


At least it's honest with itself.


Apparently Arms decided to go in a slightly different direction. I'm pretty sure that the promo said that they had to kiss to transform. That is not what they need to do. They need to bring them to full orgasm. Luckily, being in Japanese media, that only takes about 20 seconds of heavy petting plus a hand slapped on the ol' clitoris or up the Jack Johnson. Or in the case of the masochist one, a boot heel up the ass. On the other hand, that means that this episode was 20% lesbian foreplay. On the other other hand, that mean that the episode was 20% lesbian foreplay. Like, literally in the middle of a fight, one shoves her tongue down the other's throat… vigorously, rips off both their tops, rubs their nipples together, and a finger up the legs later, she's got a giant sword. All this to an insert song no less. Yes, since you ask, I did have to choose caps fairly diplomatically. 

So, it somehow manages to be even trashier than drek like Maken-Ki, Ikkitousen, Qwaser, etc. Despite it actually being okayish enough animated, especially for Arms, the action is nothing to write home for either. About the same as either of Asterisk's first two episodes at any rate, but with pawing disturbingly giant tits instead of exposition. And then it ends with this bizarrely upbeat ED featuring chibi versions of the entire cast dancing while severed cat heads float around, kicked off by a shout of "Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic." which somehow managed to be the most annoying part of this entire wants-badly-to-be-porn-but-got-stopped-short-by-the-censors affair. I think the creator of it may hate the very concept of music.

Posted in Valkyrie Drive | 14 Comments »

14 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kitsu says:


  • Opulent Rag says:

    It’s kinda sad that I have higher respect for an anime that’s basically softcore porn than I do for anime that desperately wants to be softcore porn.

  • CucarachaEnojada says:

    Hey,It’s that blonde chick that lately is always been gangbanged in hentais.

  • shadow says:

    It look awesome !!

  • shadow says:

    Hey the combat is very bad, as queen blade.

  • jingoi says:

    meh, still like Qwaser more.

  • The Phantom says:

    This gives Testament a run for its money as the trashiest show of the season, its outright disgusting to watch this.

    • Germanguy says:

      groping, sexual harassment and other scenes where you as Spectator blushed, too. To let this Girls transform into Weapons.. Why can they not just Transform with their own Will, like Soul Eater? Perhaps this Anime Project is only there to pushes the Game and other Merchandising. Trash Anime Production for Sells

  • algorithm says:

    I wanted more Qwaser but this will do as well.

  • 50srefugee says:

    I love your #42 screenshot, with Mirei getting all up in Miyasato’s face. I actually saved that one myself when I first saw it, no idea why.

    Going by secondary info I found on the game, the girls are quarantined after being infected by the virus that makes them capable of the Drive–but also kills them if the mated pairs do not fight each other.

    So, yeah, an island populated by girls and young women who must fight or die.

    The level of resentment and bitchiness on display is remarkable.

  • 50srefugee says:

    I’m struck by the ratio of older girls to younger, something like 1:50. (Ref: the arena viewers)Does this mean that most of the girls Mamori’s age (middle school) will die before getting to be as old as Mirei (high school/college)? Do they all know this?

    Something very ugly is going on here. Somebody on the show staff has something larger and darker in mind than what’s on the surface.

    That said, I’m enjoying the ecchi and skipping the fights, but my interest will wax and wane depending on how the questions of WHAT THE BLOODY HELL are answered or not.