Aquarion Logos #15 — Who You Gonna Call?
October 8th, 2015
And yet, still no Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Was that an attempt at a goddamned Ghostbusters parody, Logos? Okay, so a 'parody' in the usual Japanese sense where it's more of just some references delivered with the subtlety of a 900 ton hippo in the sugar bowl, but at least they fully commited to making pretty much the entire episode random schtick instead of awkwardly trying to cram in a buttload of overly heavy drama on top of it. Yeah, there was some melodramatics over the ghosts following people around, but it was pretty light. And they did at least go so far as to try to make their own short parody of the Ghostbusters theme. And the problem with references (at least for me) came up with the other group, which, going by them having their own theme song and all the weird camera direction there, was also some kind of reference to something, but hell if I could tell what. A good parody exists outside understanding the reference, Airplane! not requiring viewing of Zero Hour and Airport 1975 being the prototypical example of that. Less interesting was the cliffhanger at the end of mysterious dark man in giant dark mech who killed all the gibberish in one shot. *gasp* You know it's serious because Akira looks surprised. Apparently.
As for the rest of Thursdays, I did glance at the other three things. YBJ was as hardly animated, over dramatized, and poorly directed as before. I'm still not feeling Lupin and all the Italian episodes being out drains my motivation to watch/cover it further. Flipped through Lance n' Masques's second episode too, but no major changes from the first except greater focus on the blonde titmonster and horse, and less on the kid. Kid also nearly accidentally killed herself… again… in the first few minutes, with the cliffhanger of the blonde being found beaten up while he was off being emasculated by a metal-handed corporate guy, which was then reversed immediately by the next episode preview. The only promising thing there was the existence of an antagonist, but the budget for the action had already gone to pot. Not that I'm really all on board with finishing Logos either in the slightest (although this episode was better than usual), and I am keeping Princess Witches/Material Brave's situation in mind, and will need a couple free days for that. Tuesday (just Aria) is practically a shoo-in for one. Thursday (this) and Monday (Osomatsu only real contender) are looking the weakest and most appropriate to fill up with porn otherwise.
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