Aquarion Logos #07 — Twitch Writes Anime

August 13th, 2015


Why the hell was this two episodes?


“Bad things are happening over there!”
“Let’s try to stop it by doing something over here!”
“Oh no! It didn’t work!”
“Badder things are happening over there!”
“Let’s touch the fossil!”
“It doesn’t want to be touched!”
“Let’s try to stop it again!”
“It worked!”
“But at what cost!?”

Now, don’t get me wrong, at least it bothered showing people catching on magic plot fire, which is more than the 100% lipservice other shows I could name provided I’MLOOKINGATYOUYUUKIYUUNA, but everything is connected by only the thinnest filament of “it’s magic” and that’s not even coming anywhere close to cutting it. Everything is so far logically removed from everything else that it’s practically a bunch of non-sequiturs strung together. Things came to a head when they whipped out the magic Aquarion fossil that is apparently supposed to bridge between series… I guess…, tried to touch it because that would help somehow, but now’s not the time to touch that! Do you have writers or are you just transcribing things from Twitch Plays Pokemon and seeing if they get through unnoticed?

There was nothing really overcome. There was no cathartic moment. There was no character growth. There was a big tumorous lump that they tried to touch, but couldn’t. Oddly appropriate for this mess really.

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