Monster Girls #01 — Tits and Nada

July 7th, 2015


Boobs and masturbating.


Can you even imagine if the genders were reversed and it was a male monster constantly strangling and rubbing his dick on some girl in a series of attempts to rape her? …Actually, I’ve seen enough Japanese media for the answer to that to be yes, so perhaps gender politics is not the way to go here. Luckily, there’s so much else it doesn’t have going for it. Jokes, for one. If the other two shows today brought absolutely nothing to the table and were content with that, this one brought boobs and masturbating to the table and declared a job well done. Now, I understand the appeal hoo-mans have for pornography, but T&A is a spice or the frosting on a cake, if you will. It can be a pleasant way to pass the time between actual content, but it is not content in and of itself. If you want to make porn, go make porn.

It’d almost certainly be more tolerable if the protagonist was into it and was trying to actively have sex and/or a relationship with her, because at least then he would be something more than a walking dildo for her to masturbate on, but this is where we are. A rapist monster is trying to have sex with an unwilling human. Them’s the joke. Barring an occasional observation that she’s not a human, them’s all the jokes. It’s funny because a guy… not having sex with a eager non-human girl!? This isn’t even the first show with that premise this season, and I’d guess about the seven thousand and ninth of the year to date. Being about 20% more monster than the other forty five thousand and ninety three monsters girls out there is not a distinguishing characteristic, and certainly not when all you use it for is occasionally noting that some things are different for them. “She’s too snake to use a toilet.” Yeah, great joke. Hilarious observation about how a difference exists. Same goes for short people. And tall people. And Steven Tyler. You think he uses the same kinds of toilets as humans do? Of course not.

The rest is boobs, moaning, masturbating, and the protagonist looking like a deer in headlights even after the eight thousandth time he’s been shoved into her headlights, so it doesn’t even care about variety.

Next Episode:


Posted in Monster Girls | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Paulo27 says:

    Isn’t it illegal for the MC to have sex with them? How would the MC even have sex with them? *insert “hilarious observation about how a difference exists” comment here*
    Certainly wouldn’t mind if this was hentai, not enough watchable hentai with monster girls.

    • A.Nagy says:

      To be fair this guy was a hentai artist, then found out he could make way more money writing ecchi stuff.

    • Aroduc says:

      By rubbing against her cloaca.

      Or a complicated series of straps and harnesses.

      These questions don’t come up with The Little Mermaid.

    • Opulent Rag says:

      “certainly wouldn’t mind if this was hentai, not enough watchable hentai with monster girls”

      A-fucking-MEN, dude!

  • Opulent Rag says:

    Gaaaawd, it would be soooooo much easier to watch if it was just straight porn, at least then it’d actually be funny to see a grown-ass man having a stroke just because a girl is desparately trying to have sex with him rather than eye-bleedingly annoying.

  • jingoi says:

    Stop with these similar appearance harem mofos, make him bald or give him a yugioh hairstyle.

    I don’t care what anyone says about this law that prevents sex with the monster girls, its just another way continuing the usual yuuki rito bs.

    • Paulo27 says:

      He should sue for sexual harassment.

      Should make the guy a faceless fat middle aged man too.

  • The Phantom says:

    Easily the worst show of the season, and thats a hard earned title. This show was so bland that I actually found it offensive, so really the only plot they could came out with was “monster-girls-harem”?.

  • Rz says:

    Yay for more monstergirls!

    Which monstergirl do you like Aroduc?

    • Aroduc says:

      The one with the personality.

      • algorithm says:

        The spider then.

      • Sanjuro says:

        Didn’t we get a glimpse of her personality when her panties fell off?

        And that spider looks absolutely terrifying. I don’t know about anyone else, but spider sacs are an instant boner killer for me.

  • algorithm says:

    The source material is just abysmal beyond the main fetish. Nice tits though.