Gunslinger Stratos #09 — Commentary on the Idol Industry
May 30th, 2015
Do all Japanese plans begin with exploiting children, or is it just a happy coincidence that they always end up doing that?
You know, Japan, the evil mastermind’s plan should come in a summary that’s maybe a paragraph at most. When the protagonist has to constantly interrupt them to ask what the hell they’re talking about, something has gone wrong at a fundamental level. Thus passes the entire goddamned first half, spent on nothing but Dr. Polka Dots and Other World Not-Polka Dot hand blathering on about doing something very stupid, but that everything is totally in hand (despite the ominious piano drowning them out), and the key to everything is exploiting clueless teenagers. Just like the idol industry! So of course, literally the second they finish explaining their plan, the secretary turns traitor and joins the teens, and the plan is charlie foxtrotted approximately 120 seconds after it was revealed.
Anywho, moving on to the second half… or more accurately, the last six minutes of the episode… Professor Polkadot… looks at cameras until he notices that they’ve been hacked. Tohru, meanwhile, is hiding in plain sight in front of some vending machines. Blondie’s wandering around for some reason now too, probably about to store an entire unit’s worth of heavy weapons in her shoulder pads. Also, I was pretty sure that she was dead. Speaking of which, I give the cyber-girl who was supposedly gunned down about a 65% chance of somehow surviving that. So basically, the entire episode was dedicated to a singular cause; so that teens can go on to fight the Sand Borg… but on their own without the help of no establishment, man.
Next Episode:
Is that a log cabin?
Posted in Gunslinger Stratos | 13 Comments »
>Also, I was pretty sure that she was dead.
Nah, she was severely wounded. You should, like, use more attention while watching the episodes.