Not Really Triage X #02 — Really More About Batman

April 15th, 2015


God, do I hate Damian.


A quick glance through Wednesday’s three shows and I don’t really want to fully watch any of them. This one seems like it has the most amusing screencaps, mostly for the fog machine that Japanese women in this show have in place of chests, or at the very least, it beats a friendship insert song in the bloody second episode like the vroom vroom magical girls brought to the table. I also glanced through the latest DC animated feature thing, again featuring that godawful little Damian spawn, this time trading mutant man bats for zombie ninjas dressed up like owls.

Astonishingly, I think the writing got even worse for this outing. It’s bad enough that they’re still trying to make Damian out as the ultimate warrior, able to barehanded punch so hard with his little 80 pound body that it sends a man in armor flying through the air and does more damage than taking a pair of knives to the face, but now we have zombies that everyone spends the entire runtime forgetting they can blow up, cut up, etc. However, my favorite piece of bad writing came right at the start. Our little god child chases an evil clown-doll-guy (voiced by Weird Al no less) out into the woods, the head owl ninja pops up and rips out the guy’s heart, and then Batman shows up, sees a batarang on the ground, and comes to the conclusion that the little kid who doesn’t have a speck of blood on him (nor does the batarang for that matter) has used a batarang to cut out the clown-doll-guy’s heart and… I don’t know, eat it? Throw it into the woods? World’s greatest detective, my ass. Of course, he then found an owl feather, which led him to a museum exhibit about owls, where he was ambushed by zombie owl ninjas. Eventually, there would also be a secret owl society, presided over by a cross-dressing Owl Alpha. If nothing else, this shows that awful writing is not something Japan has a monopoly on.

Not long after that, I had to stop watching and just flip through. Again, to its credit, the fight scenes are about a dozen times better than anything this anime season has regurgitated, but I really don’t want to watch any more than that, so don’t expect a full post because it’d probably just be another three paragraphs on how much I despise Damian.

Posted in Triage X | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Dave Baranyi says:

    Every time they say “Black Label”, this commercial comes to me mind…

  • The Phantom says:

    Is just grotesque the size of the bust of some of those nurses, after a certain point it just does not look good.

    At least this one keeps trying to show action, angst is ridiculous though and plot just does not exist, HSOTD also had a lame plot as well, seems like the author just specializes in big tits and action he does not even try at anything else.

  • Neclord X says:

    Well, at least was better tan Son of Batman. It was fairly entertaining and the battles were nice.

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    No screen caps for the Batman Damien thing?

  • OverMaster says:

    “voiced by Weird Al no less”

    Not all of them can be Cheese Sandwiches!