Re-Kan! #01 — A New Step Forward in Backgrounds

April 2nd, 2015


Well, at least it meant not that many slow pans or weird shots of ceilings.

Posting a little early today due to some server issues at work. Don’t expect it to happen on a weekday again. Especially not tomorrow with its bloody four new shows (a prelude to Saturday with a quarter of the damn season starting). I did look at Snafu briefly. The first minute was a rock concert while the main character sat on the roof and brooded, and then nearly 9 of the next 14 minutes drinking coffee/tea, sitting at a table talking, not even facing each other. Exciting. No thanks. But here’s the OP if you’re interested. 


Good god, was this boring. Before the second minute had hit, there had already been a minute long montage of walking to class and that was just a taste of what was to come as there was another goddamned one about 16 minutes in. Maybe they’re just trying to sell the OST. Overly breathy main character who would sooner commit harakiri than have a personality, twangy guitars and flutes that somehow escaped from Bambi’s meadow into the city, and friiiiiiiiendship and feeeeeelings. I suspect it’s probably supposed to be a comedy, but like many a Japanese anime comedy, it’s just regular conversation with random sentences shouted. I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THERE IS A GHOST THERE! I AM OBSERVING YOU ACTING STRANGELY! I AM A CHARACTER SAYING TSUNDERE! LAUGH, GOD DAMN IT. Oh wait, sometimes they made stupid faces too. 10/10. Laughed my ass off.

You’d also think since they skipped the usual step of “take a photos of real places and trace those for the backgrounds” and instead went for “take photos of real places and use those as backgrounds,” and grabbed whatever the hell random CGI backgrounds Shaft wasn’t using for the rest, that they’d have more time or effort available to animate the rest of the show, but while the character animation certainly isn’t bad, it’s not stellar either, and stands out like a thumb against the photo/CGI backgrounds, especially when they start touching parts of it.

They do precious little with the premise, and nothing that hasn’t been done eight thousand times before, the characters are all the standard gormless, insubstantial cliches as have been seen fifteen thousand times before, all boringly inoffensive without a trace of ambition or thought put into them, the comedy’s rather devoid of any actual jokes, and events move at the pace of a dead sloth being dragged by a dead snail. It could be better.

Next Episode:

Standing in the wind.

Posted in Anime | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • The Phantom says:

    So I guess the plot is:

    Has cute girls and tries to be funny.

    I also noticed the backgrounds, maybe the director thought it would be a a novelty but I do agree it looks cheap as hell.