A Certain Magical Index #15 — Yes We Can

January 15th, 2009


Change we can believe in.


An extremely silly episode for the first 18 minutes or so. Then the exposition kicked in and I began chatting on IRC instead of paying close attention. Around the point where they had the divine chart up, I pretty much lost interest entirely. Something about the Angel Fall mussing with people’s brains and needing the Imagine Breaker, yada yada. Even the parts before the Angel Fall happened were relatively amusing. I especially enjoyed the accidental purchase of the porn video. Very little actually progressed in any way though. We meet Touma’s family (along with the clumsy exposition of Touma saying "this person is my father" after greeting him as his father), although his cousin looks like MIkoto and his mother looks like Index. That’s all kind of Oedipal in ways I don’t even want to think about.

18 minutes of fun is certainly much better than this show normally manages, so I’m cool with the episode. Of course, Kuroko as Obama was pretty hilarious as well. Topical jokes! Ha! No, the OP or ED hasn’t aired this week either, so don’t get your panties in a twist over that. Just a fun little episode ending with the usual dull exposition. This time, featuring a camera shot literally rotating 360 degrees around the table. Exciting.



I want my body back body back body back…

Posted in Index | 13 Comments »

13 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Totali says:

    Lolis for a better economy!

  • kiryuu says:

    Mikoto hanging all over Touma looks out of character somewhat ^^;

    http://blog.seiha.org/images2/index15/index15_21.jpg <- Index losing what innocence she had? lol.

  • Aroduc says:

    Way to crash the blog, Kiryuu. –shakes fist–

  • manaka_junpei says:

    where’s the old man reading Shakugan no Shana manga anyway

  • That diagram looks like the one from Slayers that shows the relationships between all the top demons.

  • Darke says:

    It’s the “Tree of Life” from the Qabalah traditions, basically a “manifestations of god” hierarchy from memory. Looks like a scan from an old out of copyright drawing of it. :)

    Though they probably grabbed it out of a “witches and witchcraft” encyclopedia or something, they usually have lots of pretty pictures like that. Not much for factual content though, but a pretty reliable list of interestingly wierd things people believe in. :)

    Edit: Now that I think of it, Aleister Crowley liked the Qabalah stuff and had a fetish for things with complicated drawings, they could have grabbed it from some of his works too. Thus the “rank of demons” association.

  • meganeshounen says:

    Tree of Life…

    A “sefirot”? Or whatever spelling you use.

  • kiryuu says:

    > Way to crash the blog, Kiryuu. –shakes fist–

    was that me?? I knew it started acting funny after I posted my comment ^^;;;

  • Darke says:

    “Sephiroth”, I believe, or at the very least the image spells it that way.

  • TJ says:

    The first 2/3 of the episode was pretty hilarious. Silly but hilarious.

    And “Yes we can” … have a Japanese school girl as the president of the United States lol.

  • Honoo says:

    LOL Shana-tan reference around 15:35-15:37.

  • Tetrislol says:

    I’m done with this show.

  • Lero says:

    Kuroko saying YES.WE.CAN is Win.