How to Train Yada Yada #00 — Tits and Asses

January 8th, 2015


It’s even trashier than I expected!

Tokyo Ghoul aired before this, but it’s a continuation, so I’m shoving it off for last, and with four new shows, that means the evening.


Who knew that it would be a show from noitaminA trying to be the trashiest fanservice show of a season where the competition is fierce. While I hesitate to put it definitively above Testament’s masturbating and rape misunderstanding things, it’s certainly arguably there just by dint of spending the entire episode without pause on the girls either being naked and stretching in front of the camera, or rubbing themselves against the protagonist in one long parade like a bunch of lapdancers at a stripclub, and with the garish… uh… thick lines color-weirded lines it likes to apply to lines does make them look just like over-make-upped hookers. It tries to hide itself somewhat behind a wink and nod to the camera that it totally knows what it’s doing, guys, but like I said with the Wombat Boy Love show, that doesn’t change anything. It’s not suddenly tongue in cheek just because you’ve announced it. I’m rolling my eyes at you, show, not with you.

Speaking of which, no, it’s not funny. It’s not really anything. I guess it knows how to recite cliches which it does with even more gusto than it does acting them out. Okay, it’s “episode 0” and therefore outside of the show’s ‘proper’ continuum, whatever the hell you choose to believe that means, but this episode didn’t promise anything to come when it start ‘for real’ except more T&A. The characters exist for no reason but to either flounced their bodies around or to stammer while female bodies are flounced at them. There are no brain cells or personalities in play here above and beyond how they flounce. If it’s not part of flouncing, it’s unneeded. Like any kind of plot, structure, or direction too. Pans over the edges of cleavage and up and down bodies? Great. That’s all we need. Let’s call it a day. Okay, show. It’s a busy day. I’ll oblige you. Seeya.


Posted in Anime | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • kenuran says:

    I hate characters pointing out the cliches that they are playing straight with no sense of parody, irony, or even awareness more than flashbacks. It makes it feel like the writers either had no idea how to subvert that cliche or they actively don’t want to try to do anything with the cliche outside of playing it straight. Sort of “better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool” kind of thing for me.

    The end of the episode makes it seem like its supposed to focus more on the boring girl over time so I’m already about done with this. Just give the actual episode 1 about five minutes to anything interesting then drop it there.

  • Yue says:

    Real life is cruel.

  • algorithm says:

    I expected those CG hands to slap Aroduc senseless.