Unlimited Blade Works #05 — Mr. Scowly and the Bit Players
November 8th, 2014
Whoo! Fill up that time!
Things were delayed due to a sudden infestation of corgi. They may continue to be (more in the realm of 30-60 minutes on weekdays) for a while for the forseeable future.
Back to kind of the same thing as the first episode, which means that I basically napped through the first third. Instead of showing us Shinji being creepy and people disappearing, they went the far cheaper and less effective route of just having Not More Than a Bit NPC stop Shirou, inform him of this, and then go back to his business. Space it up with Captain Scowly scowling because he won’t be relevant for another month or two at minimum. I’m pretty sure that Rin attacking Shirou could have come across a lot cooler if she hadn’t given a speech announcing it, detailing her attacks, detailing her plans, and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
Kind of the same as Boobs right after that really. I appreciate good battle back and forth and/or quips, so let’s have some, especially if we’re still just using them as little more than eyecandy, especially when it weakly peters out with the rank whiff of a farty “Eh, I don’t feel like it any more.” Oh? That’s the resolution? “Eh, whatever. I didn’t care that much anyway.” Well, sirs. Sentiment received. It really would not hurt matters to treat an episode as an episode instead of a 20 minute chunk of time. An overarching story doesn’t mean there can’t be a beginning, middle, and end of an episode instead of five or six scenes with the barest connection slapped together. Adapt, you buttfaces.Â
Posted in UBW | 4 Comments »
Well, we still have the Boy as MC, and the Girl here is the 2nd Sidechar. I was thinking that this is her Path. Why not some scenes of her daily School routine? It is still focus on the Boy. Aw well, looks like they need the Boy to hold the Fangirls to watch.. i really dont understand and this alternative universe or storytelling, if they still hold onto the Boy and Saber
Looks like in all alternative Universe the Boy and Saber are MC or very important, and the others are cursed to be the side dishes