Sailor Moon #01 — Money, Please
July 5th, 2014
I thought you were supposed to bother to try for high profile things.
This gives Glass Lip a run for its money for most padded show of the season right off the bat by beginning with nearly two goddamned minutes of panning through space. At least GL had the graces to pretend like it was showing characters that it would at some point be focusing on. It was lying, but at least it put some effort into the lie instead of telling me to stare at a wall. The rest of the episode continued similarly. As the promos indicated, this is a very, very cheap and visually unimpressive show.
I’m not certain that there’s a whole lot else to say. On its own merits, this was awful. The art style is ugly with constant lazy-eye and mouths hanging open like they’re waiting to be filled with either flies or phallic object of your choice, the animation is awful, the music is corny, the main character just keeps shouting, and it spends 17 minutes just pissing around before reluctantly finally getting to the whole magical girl schtick. “But it’s Sailor Moooooon!” is not an excuse.
So unless you’re either already hugging your Sailor Moon body pillow surrounded by Sailor Moon dolls breathing only air from your Sailor Moon humidifier breathlessly awaiting this, or simply want to see Japan taking an acidic piss on what’s ostensibly a classic show, I see no reason to watch this. Or really, any reason for this to exist. And I fully expect to recycle this post for Persona 4: The Golden next Thursday.
Posted in Anime | 16 Comments »
I’m mostly excited for the porn this show will generate.