Argevollen #01 — Newbie
July 3rd, 2014
Yeah, I get it. He’s new. Please stop telling me that. Please?
Stuff happens here, although it’s not really all that compelling about it and I think I’ve already forgotten everything that happened in the first half, although I’m pretty sure it was just “war.” But it’s especially bad when they’re all sitting around, calmly drinking their coffee with the bird singing, laughing at each other, teasing one for thinking he’s a hero and telling him to go whack off because he’s not adult like them, and remarking on how war everything is. If it was trying to go for a tense life or death feeling, or desperation, or… well… anything really, it didn’t hit the mark. It probably didn’t help that almost every line to or about the protagonist was “That guy is so new.” Even him talking about himself. That is his personality. He’s new. Granted, “has a ridiculous perm” is the personality of most of the females, so he’s not in last place, but not by much.
I really think they were going for a Front Mission kind of feel with the tons of characters and plodding mechs, they even look like the things and parts explode off them when they take damage. Then they add Magic Gundam Robot on top because our brash new teenager needs something special. However, there’s too much time spent where there’s just absolutely nothing going on at all. They could have skipped all of the crap of them stomping around camp being new and it would have lost nothing at all. Hell, they probably could have started at the last four minutes of the episode and I would have gotten the same out of it. The thumpy mechs also don’t make for particularly exciting action, even leaving aside that everything is CGI that meshes with the landscape just as well as the PSX era with its pre-rendered backgrounds and that about twice the time was spent on the log in and boot up sequence as there was on anything actually being at war with anything else.
And he didn’t even transform into a body stealing vampire rapist.
Next Episode:
If you’re reading this, then I’ve forgotten to change the template.
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You said “please”, twice.