No Game, No Life #10 — The Horse Clowns

June 11th, 2014


Do something. Dooooooooooooooooooooo something.


Another mile a minute episode where they discuss their plans, take baths, have unrelated flashbacks, scream ‘comically,’ tentacle rape themselves with hoses, comment on how voluptuous they all are, take naked pictures of each other, and log into a holodeck. That’s right, the new characters have taken over Steph’s previous role of “screaming,” reducing her to just wrapped-up moron with boobs, while also adding obnoxiously shrill sing-song to the shouty mix. What joy.

For a brief moment as I was going through the caps during the OP as I normally do, I was expecting to make snide comments about how much of a cliche it is to explain all your plans ahead of time because once anything is explained, it will go badly. It looked like it was going to be 15 minutes of talking about how they’re gonna get those beasties. I was giving the show far far too much credit. 


Next Episode:

Nice gun.

Posted in No Game | 13 Comments »

13 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    Oh… you didn’t put the screencap of the very first thing Sora sees and is shocked by… XD

    Let’s say, it relates to an ongoing campaign by two store chains… Animate and…

  • Fate says:

    Is this show just boobs? I dropped it during the first episode since the “game” part was a joke.

    • elior1 says:

      no it about games as well

    • FlameStrike says:

      XD it’s about games and boobs. Arudoc’s personal preferences means there’s a lot about this show he doesn’t like. His complaints are all 100% valid, but don’t apply to everyone. I recommend checking it out if you like games and boobs. Also you need a high tolerance for screaming and tsukommi type jokes.

  • ZakuAbumi says:

    Wow, this arc is pretty bad. They’ve done nothing so far other than being pretentiously smug about a whole fat lot of nothing and the comedy is desparately lacking the level of energy I was so fond of. There’s even a severe lack of beloved Jibril antics. Booh.

    At least the cliffhanger was interesting.

  • elior1 says:

    this episode raise a importend question ow would the warbeasts know about Tokyo and akihabara?(the place they was land in. If not Mind Reading, if not using one’s fear against them,then what?

  • Sanjuro says:

    How many games have they actually played? There was that RPS game they spent longer explaining the rules than playing, the chess that wasn’t chess and that game of Go that was played off screen.

  • AGear2Ax says:

    Great, the next ep preview is a flashback. Well, I think they haven’t fulfilled their flashbacks quota >.<

    • Aroduc says:

      And by law, the penultimate episode’s preview has to be flashbacks or just some random picture of nothing.

      • elior1 says:

        actully the photo of the old man with the gun is not flashback it part of the game

        • AGear2Ax says:

          Well, it only has the Oldman. It has a flashback filter :P The oldman is attacking other beastman and it cann’t be the current game because the oldman didn’t enter the game.

          Until next episode airs, I’ll stick with that being a flashback.

        • elior1 says:

          about how the war beests know tokyo and akibara this is my guess: i think the warbeasts probably have intel on the real world possibly because they have been to it already. They could possibly also have intel on Sora and Shiro as well.