One Week Friends #02 — And Now It Is Memento
April 13th, 2014
The gimmick was bad, but at least commit to it.
M3 had an early live broadcast (actual broadcast: 21st) on Nico, but it’s taking a while to show up in a more consumable form and I’m not going to be hanging out here much longer. I may or may not cover Flag. I didn’t like the first episode much, but Sundays are… meh, so we’ll see how annoying the first five minutes are.
Well, at least she took the step of starting a journal, but now the gimmick of the show is gone until they no doubt revive it for the finale. It kind of was in the first place since he just went “You told me about your condition” and she goes “Oh, that makes sense. We must be friends because I can’t remember you!” I say “just”, but it took the thing a bloody quarter of the episode to reach that point. I don’t even know whether or not it’s a good thing that they’re going to be jettisoning it. I really don’t think this show has the balls to do anything clever. She’ll just eventually lose it or spill something on it in episode 11 and Mister Blando will get melancholic then decide that his time wasn’t a waste and go right back to the same thing as before. Or he’ll become “more than friends” or “family” to the plot-convenient amnesia and everything will be better without it. Assuming they have the balls to even go that far which is very much in doubt.
Anyway, what followed was almost exactly identical to bloody Date a Live’s episode, right down to going out for pastries but not getting any pastries. And then explaining journals, which basically came down to how the show was going to be half-assing the premise from here out in a genre where characters don’t remember jack week to week to begin with unless it’s a cause for drama (which half of the cast still can do anyway) while presumably maintaining the same breakneck pace and banal characters.
Next Episode:
Posted in Anime | 1 Comment »
at least this time the memories wont go away and she will remember almost everything thanks to the dairy she writing so i dont think it will be the same thing every episode