ef ~ A Tale of Melodies #09 — Slit Wrist, Set Fire, Cry More
December 2nd, 2008
We’ve hit the angst trifecta.
5 minutes of some nice Yuu/Yuko parallelisms, 5 minutes of Akira going crazy and setting fire to himself (this is why you don’t fill rooms with oil based paintings of your dead sister, kids), a full minute of watching the same still get covered in fire, 5 minutes of Kei and Chihiro cheering on Mizuki, and 5 minutes of Doofus angsting it out so badly that he makes Smeagol look sane. Watching this on the same day as Macademy certainly didn’t help my temperment either. I liked the scenes at the start and think that Shaft did an excellent job with both Yuu and Yuko’s thoughts running parallel. Yuko carving herself up with the knife while Yuu sketched a picture of her was also some pretty nice imagery.
Unfortunately, the rest of the episode was pretty weak. I think they used the instrumental OP theme about four times through the episode. The Akira scene just went on for about 3 minutes longer than it needed to (let’s not even start with how unintentionally hilarious this still was either), and I still despise Kei and Chihiro hanging around. I’m not even sure what Mizuki’s supposed to be doing with two keys to the sex roof anyway. Does she even go to school? Maybe she can drag Kuze up there so he can angst it up in the remnants of Chihiro and Renji’s precious bodily fluids. I’m so sick of Kuze that I physically deflate the moment it switches to the present, so… well… I’m not really certain I’ll survive the end of this. 3 episodes to go before we can hopefully replace angst Mondays with something a little more exciting.
The ED changed slightly this episode as well, adding a little bit of color and a paper airplane for Mizuki to chase.
Posted in ef | 4 Comments »
Hmm, now they’re going to lack the amounts of episodes to cover each scenario end and the epilogue. Unless they’re able to give each scenario to an end each by one episode.