Mushi Uta #04 — When The Dreams End

July 26th, 2007

Another one bites the dust.


This episode was really spectacular. The fight scene between Senti’s Centipede (nyuk nyuk) and Daisuke was very very well done, and then contrasted with the direction afterwards of Rina being forced to effectively kill her friend. I’m in the process of ripping/uploading it. Plus, I’m actually starting to like Meimei. Bitchy characters are fun, especially when they casually try to kill the protagonist.

Daisuke vs Senti


I really need to dig up a character name chart or something. Whose-his-face… the centipede user of the Mushi Rebellion team is staggering through the park while a pendulum swings on the centipede, showing images of clocks. He walks on them, noting that his time is running out, and looks down to see his feet overrun with centipededes. He starts crushing them, yelling about his dreams and future, but looks at his hands as they fall apart.

Elsewhere in the park, Rina is with the other girl who is frightened witless. She puts on her mask and turns to walk out. She confronts Kakou/Daisuke and asks him what the girl did to deserve to die. As she’s talking to him, the rest of his MiB group is surrounding them. She keeps asking him about the girl’s dreams and her future. He tells he it’s meaningless, so she summons her ladybug. The MiB move to attack in a flurry of tiny bugs. The ladybug sheilds them, then flies into the air.

Rina says that such an attack won’t work on her and immediately destroys all the little insects. Elsewhere, MiB boss is telling his idiot secretary to go after Shiika. Back at the fight, Rina is surrounded. Kakou points his gun at her, but centipede boy burrows out of the ground, grabs her and escapes. The irritating perching girl swoops down as the MiB disperse with the now soulless girl.

Shiika is with the other Mushi user. She introduces herself, but before he can respond, the MiB secretary tries to call them over. She tells them which direction to go in before running off.

Back with perchy girl and Kakou, she’s giving him her own speech on her dream about controlling and destroying all the other Mushi and gets in his face about what his dream is. He ignores her and walks away, but stops as a loud ringing fills his ears. Perchy (Meimei) starts attacking him with sonic moves. He dodges and then calls out his own Mushi, Kakou (from now on, Daisuke is the person, Kakou will be the bug) fuses with his pistol and he then shoots a massive beam at her. She dodges, but he loses track of her. She appears back to back with him and tells him that she’ll be the one to kill him before flying off.

The Mushi rebellion folks have all gathered and are trying to escape when suddenly they’re covered in a web. They try to break free, but it shocks them and they collapse. The MiB head (Haji) is sitting on the bench nearby and introduces himself to them and does the usual “you have been a thorn for long enough” speech. He gives a long speech about how Mushi need to be killed because they can’t be controlled and they hurt people and whathaveyou.

He reaches out to take off her mask, and centipede boy (Senti… finally) tries to break free and nearly manages to hit him, but the webs stop him and the spider fully engulfs the centipede. MiB dude then starts shooting the centipede with a pistol as Rina screams.

Suddenly though, a bony appendage erupts from the web, spearing one of the smaller spiders as the whole thing begins to break up. As the web is destroyed, Senti is revealed trapped in the middle of the centipedish looking beast, but totally lifeless. The whole thing has become a monster. The MiB prepare to deal with it, but their Mushi are immediately killed and they fall lifeless.

Daisuke finally makes it to the scene and Haji leaves him to deal with the problem. Rina keeps yelling at Senti to come to his senses, but Daisuke tells her to shut up and deal with it. It starts attacking them, and Daisuke fights back. Rina continues to do nothing though. Daisuke tries to get close enough to attack Senti himself, but is knocked away. He releases a huge energy blast on his way down though that wipes out a ton of its limbs.

As he’s down and fairly crushed, he yells at Rina that she needs to kill it. There’s nothing left of the person that he was. The centipede starts to move and regenerate again, but Rina resolves herself to attack and her ladybug changes form and tears through the centipede. As she erupts, she’s shown carrying Senti as the centipede dies. He manages to say his name, but is totally drained of energy. Unlike the girl though, he doesn’t turn lifeless immediately.

Rain starts to fall as Senti remembers meeting Rina and his Mushi and she tells him that everything is okay… but finally… he stops walking on Rina’s shoulder and stops responding to her altogether. He stands silently while she cries into his chest.

Daisuke is still down when the secretary steps on him. He questions Haji a little bit about if what they’re really doing is okay. Rina and one of the Mushi Resistance members decide to leave Senti behind, there’s nothing more they can do.

Shiika and the kiddo see some commotion and explosions, and he thinks that Rina might be in trouble, so puts on his mask, summons his Mushi and heads off. Shiika sees the Mushi and realizes that he’s a Mushi user too… and her firefly comes down as the episode ends.

Posted in Mushi Uta | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Taylz says:

    All in all, I’m really enjoying this anime for the animation. It’s really incredibly that there’s at least one anime out there that has good quality in both the art and the plot, neither lacking entirely too much. (Unlike Touka Gettan. Oi.)

    I just wanted to ask you what your thoughts are about the direction of Daisuke and Shiika’s relationship? From the get-go, I immediately had the impression that Daisuke and Shiika would develop into this whole romance, soulmate type thing where Daisuke will go out of his way to protect her (obviously, we know he’ll end up doing this anyway, but still). The only thing is that this anime has been categorized as Shounen and Fantasy, and romance doesn’t seem to fit into the agenda. I just wanna know if I should raise my hopes or not.