Shots of Scenery #01 — Attack of the Recorder
October 7th, 2013
Why can’t it ever be saxophones?
This episode begins with two and a half minutes of scenery. That should be enough to frame how the rest of this post will go. And five minutes of low key drama does not magically transform itself into slice of life just because it’s been stretched out to moronic levels. This episode certainly did have a narrative and purpose centering around the new girl, they were just so stretched out to be practically transparent and then further diluted by a third the episode being little more than pans over backgrounds.
I already didn’t trust double reeds, but I think this episode also awakened a hatred of recorders that I wasn’t aware existed. It loves using them as the background music for a childish/unrefined kind of feeling, forgetting perhaps that the reason recorders aren’t used for music usually is because they’re really goddamned shrill and don’t sound particularly good, triply so when you’re trying to make it sound like the kind of thing third graders would play, full of staccato punchy obnoxiousness.
I feel like I said little about the content, but then I remember that so much of it in the episode can be had by literally just looking at the screencaps, and you wouldn’t even suffer the shrill brayings of a recorder either. It’s slow, dull, and hurt my ears. Not things that make me scream "Boy, I want to watch more of this!"
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Slice of the life of nature…