ef ~ A Tale of Melodies #07 — Warum Warum Warum Warum Warum…

November 17th, 2008




I probably would have liked this episode a bit more if it hadn’t been preceded by an excellent one. Unfortunately, Shaft decided to reuse an almost identical thematic scene for Kuze losing his mind and asking "why why why why why!?" "warum warum warum warum!?" at Mizuki as they did for Yuko in the previous episode. The music was also all over the place for the first five minutes and just felt a few decibels too loud and a bit too jarring. The OP also changed slightly again. The people are back and everything’s gone back to black and white with eyes and lips a little more jarringly colored.

Not a whole ton really happened this episode to advance either story. Kuze flipped out at Mizuki then decided that he wanted to live after having a seizure and licking pills up off the ground from among the broken glass, and Yuko gave Yuu a ceremonial knife to ‘deal with’ Akira, but Yuu was too much of a pussy and Akira kicked the crap out of him. I did like the sepia-toned animation style they used for that scene, but it was still pathetic to watch. Akira’s clearly three circles past the loony bin and practically stabbing himself in the gut while ranting like a madman while Yuu stood there like a deer in headlights. I’m not even certain he had more than four or five lines in the past segments for this episode after the opening 2 minutes. I’m not even certain I want stabbing in this show. Yuu’s the closest thing we’ve got to an everyman, or even someone relatively normal and balanced, and now he’s carrying something that looks like it was meant to sacrifice virgins for Asgorth while lurking in his teacher’s yard.

Posted in ef | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • […] last week, we finally got back to Kuze and Miyako this time around too. While I’d agree with Aroduc that some of it seemed like rehash, I wouldn’t say it was a complete rip off. Besides, […]

  • jeffng9 says:

    wats with the warum now?
    its creeping me out

  • Sterling01 says:

    Haven’t I seen that Knife in FSN

  • Nanaya says:

    Close, it looks sorta similar to Caster’s ‘Rule Breaker’ – except there’s less of a ‘tye-dye-knife plot twist’ and more of a ‘potential School Days remake’ look to it.

  • Omisyth says:

    GRAMMATICAL ERROR! Warum can only be used when introducing a question in German! Alone it is nothing. NOTHING!

  • Legacy says:

    I really haven’t been enjoying this season… Memories was amazing, and relatively deep. Melodies seems like its trying to be fucked up for the sheer hell of it.

    cool knife, though.

  • ekawolfram says:

    Interesting… looks like they took the picture for the nitroglycerin in the pills from Wikipedia

  • Clear says:

    @ Legacy, imho, memories was all about honest love, while this melodies is about the darkness in love. May be you are just not used to seeing this kind of stuff.

    Memories also suffers from a really weak half of the story (Miyako), cause let’s face it, only the Chihiro story people really liked. However, that is not to say the last Miyako/Hirono scene was really well done.

    This time around, they are basing it around 3 really broken people, you can’t think of them as normal. Both stories will end of with a really bad ending.

    imo, Yuko will actually die and become a ghost or something, cause all those sudden Yuko moments in memories seems weird and let’s be honest here, Yuu wouldn’t be like this in the present if Yuko is still alive.

  • zUkUu says:

    GRAMMATICAL ERROR! Warum can only be used when introducing a question in German! Alone it is nothing. NOTHING!

    Wrong. “Warum?” has the same meaning as “Why?”. Tho, u can use it at the beginnin of a sentence as well. “Warum machst du das?” (= Why do u do that?)