Dog und Scissors #02 — Book-Fu

July 8th, 2013

That was embarrassing.


I guess at least they moved right along to the conclusion of his killer thing, but again (and totally surprising for an LN adaptation too!) the tone was all over the place. You can interweave all the humor, seriousness, drama, etc that this is trying to go for, but they have to all be working together, not separated by distinct walls dividing each into their own little areas. The walls and walls of exposition and poorly animated corny action scene didn’t help either. Gonzo has apparently subscribed to the JC Staff school of animation these days, choosing to only draw every third frame or so and using blurs between them. Also not useful? The cut-aways for the dog to explain the fight. Granted, otherwise it would have just looked utterly moronic to have him start prancing in place and her be entranced by it. They managed to make it only completely moronic.

I’m still not sold on it and was mostly just bored, which may even be worse as it’s not fun to write about boring things. The humor, poor as it may be, was probably the show’s greatest strength last week, and that went completely out the door here after about five minutes and was not seen again until the horrible closing moments, unless you count laughing at how horrible that fight was in just about every way. Maybe this’ll be another season of covering random games on MTW if Watamote doesn’t pan out.

Next Episode:


Other characters.

Posted in Anime | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    I had to skip that “fight scene” to end up in the part where her personality makes a 360 and ponders positions to procreate with the dog. I… did not know where to look…

  • algorithm says:

    “choosing to only draw every third frame”

    Even Kyoani isn’t that generous most of the time.