Devil Survivor 2 #02 — It’s Magic! And Evil!
April 11th, 2013
Yak yak yak yak yak.
Ugh. Expositionriffic! You see, the magic evil things are magic. Also, they’re evil. Also, they’re evil and magic. Also, they can only be beaten by… magic! Magic that you have! And this huge group of people and this giant super facility we have? We’re an organization! For magic! Boy, was that ever a great use of half the episode. I would have been confused otherwise. Which of course also means that it’s time for the obligatory Japanese refusal of the call to battle. Yes, yes, I know it’s part of the whole hero’s journey thing, but nobody says that they need to be a sniveling bitch about it. Peter Parker is the biggest bitch around and even he knows that when you get super powers dropped into your lap, you don’t start weeping about it until you actually do something stupid like get Uncle Ben killed. What is it with Japan and its protagonists having a crippling fear of success?
Things don’t really pick up in any way until about 17 minutes in, so the episode’s mostly a waste, as if all the flashbacks to an entire week ago, sometimes even less, weren’t a clue already. The skull birds were I guess a little less silly this week than the ice cream cone of doom last week, but they were still just grunts thrown in very obviously because the episode would have otherwise had zero conflict and just been 22 minutes of talking heads instead of 19. The Pokemon nonsense still needs to be done better too. Him waving his little pokedex around yelling "Byakko!" constantly is just incredibly silly.
Next Episode:
Posted in Devil Survivor 2 | 4 Comments »
Actually, I feel this compares more to Digimon than Pokemon cause of how all the digital stuff makes up the aura of everything surrounding the monsters and stuff.
Hell even the handler standing with the cellphone yelling the monsters name without really directing it to do any specific moves or attacks seems more out of Digimon.