Moetan #01 — “She is the Moeest of Lovely English Teacher in the World”

July 8th, 2007

Okay, so that’s a lie. She’s not the moeest, and you won’t be learning English from her.


Every since seeing the promo materials for this, I wasn’t entirely convinced that they were going to go the ironic route for this instead of the generic magical girl route… and that’s pretty much exactly what they did. Generic loli magical girl drek for almost pretty much the entire way. The only thing even vaguely hinting at it being anything but the latest in the line of Magical Sammy, Sugar Sugar Rune, etc is that she flies via wings on her ass. That’s it. That’s the only parody of the magical girl genre. Everything else is exactly as it looks. It does succeed at being slightly more offensively loli than Nanatsuiro Drops with an abundance of closeup ass shots though.

If you’re in it for the wacky Engrish, don’t bother. You get one little message after the end credits roll. I guess if you’re in it to ogle lolis, then… well… all the best to you, you’ve found your winner for the season. Myself on the other hand… I don’t think even the threat of rabid wolverines in my shirt could get me to spend any more time on this one.

Posted in Anime | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    Actually, it looks like it is parodying the “moe magical girl” stuff in quite a few ways. Like how her cute familiar replays back her transformation scene and drools at it. It’s steeped in lolipedoness, but it’s hillariously and over-the-top lolipedoness that realizes it’s own absurdity/admits its own perversity.

  • Aroduc says:

    Self-acknowledgement of being creepy pedobait is not the same thing as parodying it. If it wanted to make a joke out of it, the creepiness doesn’t need to be shoved in your face, just implied. The perverted mascot character is nothing new either and is practically a staple of every recent magical girl show out there. And besides, one moment of “oh ho, we see how we’re being creepy” does not excuse the 24 minutes of actually being creepy.

  • Anonymous says:

    Quite obviously you missed the entire point of this show, specially as you seems to missed the point where they talked and denied the show itself.

  • Aroduc says:

    That’s not how it works. The point of the show is to entertain. There is no point beyond that. If the punchline to the entire show is too far buried beneath pandering to lolicons, then the joke fails… never mind that you’ve still got 24 minutes of shameless and creepy fanservice for a single gag.

    This doesn’t come even close to parody in the same way that stuff like Dai Mahou Touge or Komugi do. It’s more of just a nudge to the audience saying “eh eh? You see that? We’re perverts too and this was for you,” than a poke at the magical girl genre as you suggest.

  • Totali says:

    I thought this was pretty funny. I liked the “nakanaimou!” line…lol. It’s definitely not the kind of comedy I would watch on a regular basis though.