Total Eclipse #11 — Hurry Up And Do Nothing
September 9th, 2012
What the living hell was this episode?
I don’t even know what to say about this one. Last week ended with "Holy crap! BETA right under us!" and then this proceeded to be twenty straight minutes of talking heads. It was obviously some kind of horribly inane Soviety ploy to get all the good weapons and undermine everybody else or whatever all along. That was done with all the subtlety of a giant penis alien, even before they spent an entire two damn minutes explaining the entire thing at the end of the episode for the particularly slow individuals. "Why would they do it… unless it was on purpose!?" "Oh, by the way, everybody evacuate and everyone else is now under the Soviet command." "BUT WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS!?" Not sure, guys! This one’s a toughie!
Good god, though. You can’t spend twenty minutes standing around going "There’s no time to do anything!" That does not work. Not to mention that the entire plot of "Leave tunnels for a month and hope that the BETA conveniently only use them to invade again when the UN comes to visit" makes my brain itch. And then we end this week having moved from "Holy crap! BETA right under us!" to "Holy crap! BETA right next to us!" Congratu-bloody-lations. I feel like we realy accomplished something here.
Posted in Muv Luv | 12 Comments »
…yeah we got to watch three or four different groups of characters all have the same discussion one after another.
But hey, with the Beta right next to us this episode maybe they’ll manage to get right on top of us the next.