Total Eclipse #09 — Rarr! Soviets Evil!

August 26th, 2012


I’m kind of missing the island now.


Kind of a surprisingly lame episode considering that they finally went up against the BETA again. The exceptionally corny stills during the big critical moment didn’t help that at all. Dramatic music! Disobey orders! Front line all work as a team! Now put up a few stills of BETA and shake them! That’ll really get the audience’s blood boiling! The team of Soviet rapists didn’t get any less terribly written either, particularly when they all started taunting Yuuya right before the battle then lost their crap the moment he talked back. Or, might I add, that any of the whole schtick about Yuuya surviving made a lick of sense considering he was sitting way in back behind tons of guards and not really part of the battle in any particularly meaningful way.

Anyway, much of the rest of the half was consumed with briefing for the batle, which doesn’t mean that it actually stopped once the battle started either. I guess there was Kryska’s memory having holes in it for whatever reason, but I’m counting that as some futue obnoxious incredibly machinated excuse for melodrama. At least they went into berserker mode… sort of… for a few seconds. The Soviets in general are also being just a tad too obviously evil for no real discernable reason, just because they’re Soviets. And this is above and beyond after all the rapists, mad scientists, etc. Invite the UN and then try to passively get the entire program killed. And what’s the endgame here, exactly? Not a whole ton works when trying to also sell that the world is on the brink of destruction without the new tech and whatnot. But I suppose that’s probably not going to change with this show any time soon either at this point.

Posted in Muv Luv | 24 Comments »

24 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Embok says:

    Didn’t the show get a new director early on? They had already finished up to ep 9 or 10 or something like that, so maybe things will improve soon.

  • longhaul says:

    at least that one guy became tank food, as oversized as they were

  • Shirokuma says:

    I need to use the gun. Hype build up.
    You can use the gun. Hype BUIL UP.
    I’m gonna use the gun. HYPE BUILD UP.
    He uses the gun. OH YE-

    I feel stupid for having the slightest expectation from this show even for a single moment.

  • Yue says:

    Can someone tell me how Earth got infested with these nasty extra-terrestrials in this show?

    Nukes are always effective againts none-shielded targets. ~_~

    • Anon says:

      Nukes are not effective because its like this.

      You know how you dont mention the War to Germans? Its like that with Japanese were WW II? Never happened … Nuclear weapons? Dont mention then.

      This is why Evangelion had N2 weapons , MuvLuv have G weapons that “a cartload of pure bullshit” made to whatever magical effect the writer wants for the plot.

      Oh and BETA are immune to whatever the hell the author decides, NBC does not work on them because either G Element, the Virgin Mary and/or because you forgot to zip your pants.

      • longhaul says:

        you pretty much pulled most of that out of your ass

        and the reason there are no hives in North America was because of nukes

        • Anon says:

          G Bombs and yes, America just G Bombs hives that is both a good and bad thing because sometimes G Bombs just bury then deeper and out of reach.

          Also Hives no longer land because of killer sats that destroy then before they can land.

          As I kinda screwed up, G Bombs use the G element that is the a cartload of pure bullshit, for example this “railgun” uses G element.

          And on a side note, its hilarious you people pick on something that is not even that exclusive to this series, the Japanese dont talk about nukes and usually replace by something that for all intents and purposes is a nuke with a different name, the N2 actual name is “non-nuclear”, Macross have “Reaction weaponry” and so on …

        • Anonymouse says:

          Not G bombs. Nukes. There are no Hives in America because they used nukes on Canada, then nukes on any further landing units. Only one (or two if you count impromptu) Hive ever got G-bombed and that was Japanese hive.

      • Suffoni says:

        Sounds like you didnt read the source material. Therefore stop spouting bullshit.

    • Suffoni says:

      Humans in Eurasia and china not nuking the bastards upon impact. Then rape happens to them. Also they do nuke them, America does so to fuck off any more landing hives from the moon. One last thing about nukes. They don’t do much shit to developed hives since it doesn’t penetrate deep.

      • Yue says:

        Must have been horrible on one side of the continent.

        It’s good to know that nukes were used to stave off further waves of man-eating aliens as backstory.

        Although it must have been the intention of the MuvLuv’s creator to stick to mecha, but it wouldn’t hurt to give humans more effective weapons to combat huge swarming aliens.

    • Anonymouse says:

      They are shielded. By magical lasers. Like the Strategic Defense Initiative, but with fifty times more plot armor.

  • Anonymous says:

    Nukes. Lets Hope they dont Poison their own Lands…

    • Yue says:

      Err, our hero used a radiation wave/particle cannon to vaporize alien meat to mush.

      I meant nuking the aliens while they were on the lunar surface or while they approaching atmospheric entry.

      On Earth, you can use more conventional AoE munitions like MOAB, Daisycutters, and Fuel-Air Implosion Bombs while waiting for more advance tech.

  • Anonymous says:

    >suggesting to use a nuke on a critter that can survive in space, with all the fun cosmic radiation and whatnot that’s out there

    if the sheer force isn’t enough to stop them then all you did is piss them off and make it so your troops have an additional hazard in trying to clean up after your fail.

    • Anonymouse says:

      The strength of nukes in this case is not the radiation that they’re resistant to, it’s the bigass heat and mechanical shockwave of the blast. You know, the one that’s equivalent to several thousands or millions of tons of TNT?

      And fallout’s overrated, big H-bombs are pretty clean compared to the original atom bombs.

      • Yue says:


        It’s surprising to know that H-bombs are clean. Is there another way of trigerring heavy hydrogen fusion? All I remember in class was you still need an initial fission explosion to chain react to thermonuclear stage.

        • anon says:

          He didn’t say clean, just ‘pretty’ clean “compared to the original atom bombs”. I’m guessing he means relatively clean in terms of how much fallout you make for a given yield, since you’re getting energy out of fusion you’ll be making less radioactive fission product fallout per unit energy released.

          That then depends more on your bomb design (e.g. using a non-fissionable tamper), but you can make multi-megaton H-bombs where over 90% of the energy comes from fusion as opposed to fission, making it ‘relatively’ cleaner.

        • Anonymouse says:

          That’s pretty much what I meant. Sorry if I worded it confusingly. As far as I’m aware we have no pure fusion weapons yet, the initial fission stage is still necessary.

  • FlameStrike says:

    Nukes worked at first, then the Beta came up with bullshit super accurate pew pew lasers that could shoot down anything in the air with perfect accuracy. Suddenly missiles and planes and nukes couldn’t get anywhere close. Even artillery fire could be blocked.

    That gun though, the way it was animated made it look more like a BEAM CANNON than a rail gun. x.x I guess that’s 800rpm for you.