Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere #16 — Financial Triple Axel

July 21st, 2012


Honestly, they just need to hold out until gender-bent Gordon Ramsay is born.

Ugh. Stupid alternate setup ate my first post. Oh well, take two.


Easily the dullest episode of this season so far. Horizon and Gin did what they could to liven it up at the start, but almost all of the last half was spent on a treaty regarding England’s crappy food supply. And… uh… that’s really about it. England shows up to beg for food and then… uh… they come to an agreement over food. They put a little effort into it every now and then trying to liven it up, financier triple axels, but too little and nowhere near enough to liven up what was otherwise about 10 straight minutes of talking heads and watching people IM each other. Besides that, I guess we got the ‘reveal’ that Tenzou’s masked stranger is actually a blonde girl smuggling watermelons. She doesn’t look like she missed any trips to the buffet line.

And yeah, that’s al. Horizon and Gin were the only real stars of the episode. I’d have rather them just cut away from the debates entirely and only cutting back to the random figure skating moves or other weirdness (which is really all we needed) and show more of Gin’s attempts to take care of and/or shave parts of Muneshige and/or Horizon molesting Toori’s seaweed. Hopefully that’s the last of the dull political stuff before hey all all play nice and team up to oppress the Irish fight the Spanish. Weren’t we supposed to be sinking an armada?

Posted in Horizon | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Shirokuma says:

    Is there anything good this season? It’s as if they stopped trying…

  • Dynellen says:

    It had few nice bits but it was pretty clear they were saving on the budget here for the later battles to come. They should’ve taken some tips from SHAFT on how to make talking heads at least marginally interesting from a visual viewpoint.

  • Wilfriback says:

    “oppress the Irish”

    I see what you did there, Aroduc XD.

  • Anonymous says:

    In an anime full of beautiful women, the only one getting naked is the MC? Fucking dropping this shit!

  • Gil says:

    Aroduc, there’s a new Densha D game coming out.

  • ark noir says:

    1) Why are Ben jonson’s manboobs the only normal looking bosom in this anime?
    2) remember when Tonbokiri was a good weapon cutting anything reflected in the blade.Futayo’s turned it into a comedy weapon cutting perversion.
    3)Am I deaf? Did gin say she was grateful to Muneshige for having her arms lobbed off and replaced with robo arms and demonbane’s shin pads so she can have a more normal life?
    4)kobolds are awesome.