Arcana Famiglia #02 — The Great Pussy Hunt

July 8th, 2012


We’re out of anything worth talking about in this show already?


Holy bananas. This one hit the second episode like an egg hits the pavement. I swear that my eye began twitching when the flashback began, then it became a full-on eye spasm when every single named character introduced themself and their arcana again. It’s been one week. You haven’t even done anything with your powers. You have given me no indication that you are about to do anything with them. You’re just being obnoxious. And then it began recycling footage from last week in case you had forgotten what happened. In fact, the entire first 6 minutes are totally skippable. That’s almost a third of the episode comprised of nothing but goddamned recap. In episode 2. EPISODE 2.

The rest of the first half was then spent looking for a cat. The remaining half of the episode was spent petting and/or returning the cat. We’re just going to ignore everything from last week because oh crap guys, a cat. What the hell, JC Staff? What the hell? The first episode wasn’t even that good, but this one… good god. I don’t even want to waste any more effort talking about it. Onward to other shows!




You best be bringing a hell of a lot more than this next week, or you’re going right in the trash heap.

Posted in Anime | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Embok says:

    Yeaaaaaah. I have no problem with reverse harems. I like UtaPri and to a lesser extent InuBoku, but this was just straight up bad. What happened to the super power tournament I was promised?

    • Melina says:

      Super power tournament? That happen at the very end of the game itself.

      This series is basically a mafia SoL, the strong point of the game is mostly on how the relationship between the characters develops.

      • Embok says:

        Well then. Good thing I don’t drop shows, I would hate to miss out on three months of nothing.

  • Fadeway says:

    You’re patient, Aroduc. Dropped at 8 mins in, when I saw that exposition was still around, still poorly presented, and that everything else is about as boring.

  • Ashlotte says:

    Pretty much had the same thoughts. Was hoping the show might improve in the second episode but damn was that awful…

  • Utena30 says:

    In complete agreement. I started watching and as soon as the subject of a missing cat came up I thought “It’s going to be all about the missing cat isn’t it.” Then I turned it off. I’m all for good looking guys, but damn, I’m not tuning in just to see them chase a cat. Just awful.

  • Jack says:

    I kind of like cats.