Aquarion EVOL #08 — Naked Time For Everybody!

February 19th, 2012


This post contains baby penis.


I wish they’d tone down the random shenanigans a little bit. The characters would (mostly) be able to stand on their own without Andy digging up some almost random thing each week (literally this week), and telling a story about it. Granted, it’s only been two weeks of that, but it still reeks of bad writing to have your side character just pop up and go "Hey, guys! I found the plot for this episode!" Thankfully, the plot of this show still was never exactly this show’s draw, but this is dipping a little below the level of easily ignorable, particularly since there wasn’t any real development, advancement, or even new characters on the protagonist side this week. IE, I’m a little annoyed that they didn’t really do anything with Zess/Mikono despite this ostensibly being an episode focused around them. I guess they began making a pretty strong case for Kagura’s imminent switch to the other side along with any possible jokes you want to tell about Amata beginning to get obsessed over him, but that’s about it.

Anyway, enemy’s new weapon has a side effect of damaging clothing, so that plus Andy’s impromptu lesson about naked Greco-Roman wrestling turns in Zessica’s mind into "Naked=power" so they all strip, which somehow lets her ‘feel’ the bullets and dodge them before they use a Rock-Paper-Scissors combination punch to win. Becaues apparently throwing all three at the same time is unblockable. I think that metaphor broke down som. The rest I can sort of follow the general chain, not that it’s a chain that makes any sense, but Mikono throwing scissors as their finishing blow is closer to what I expect from Guilty Crown. They also made sure to appeal to the ladies and had Shrade unbutton in the middle of it too. Thanks for that cutaway, Evol.




Mix and Andy finally hook up.

Posted in Aquarion | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • ShuffleAir says:


    And it looks like we finally get a Mix episode next week.

    Did you decide to swap Lagrange for Black Rock Shooter instead?

    • Embok says:

      He dropped it because he hates groups of three female friends playing naked in the water. It’s the same reason Fam never made it past the first episode.

      • Aroduc says:

        Well, BRS is on Thursdays and I’m not even sure I’ll keep up with it still (although the short schedule makes it tempting), but it’s more that I hate THAT group of three female friends. I was hoping it’d be more like episodes 2-3, but it instead tried to have its cake and eat it too in terms of seriousness, ‘comedy’, and Madoka’s cloying bullheadededness. If you haven’t noticed, consistency in tone and presentation is one of my peeves.
        Plus the show’s hardly gone anywhere which makes it boring as hell to write about, especially compared to Evol which always has some crazy-ass thing of note.

  • Nazarielle says:

    Gotta balance the fanservice with the manservice~

  • Burnout says:

    This was an incredibly stupid episode, in a crazy way. Was Aquarion this weird? This is the first time I’ve heard “LET’S GET NAKED!” as a battle strategy.

    While you’re in a giant robot.

    Also, why is Zessica so much more interesting than the main girl?