Flasher Opera Milky Holmes #17 — Cabbage Detectives

February 2nd, 2012


That reminds me, P4 really hasn’t made too many cabbage jokes… yet…


The main ‘plot’ this week was hunting down a flasher with the dubious help of Koron (Cologne? Goro~n?, I’m sure it was a reference to some Japanese detective thing, but damned if I know what), who ended up not being the flasher all along, just a little girl that enjoys naked time. At least she got into a nipple-fight with Twenty. Along the way, they tried to be flashers themseves to get into the criminal’s mind and aside from Hercule, only managed to get the "wear a trench coat" part of the whole thing correct. Nero actually had more clothes on after Arsene stripped her, including a backpack.

It had its moments, but a lot of them were drowned out by the girls being particularly shrill and shrieky this week. My lasting impression of the first half was basically them annoyingly chanting for probably a third of it. The feedback loop that the G4bot got into with Kokoro was also a bit numbing on the ears and brain. They seem to be struggling what to do with G4 this season in general. Most of their bits are completely tangential to what’s actually going on instead of actually involved with it and could really be cut entirely. I’d rather they actually bring them in more. It’s almost surprising that they haven’t each had their own episodes, particularly after the OVA was dedicated completely to Kokoro. The same could be said for the thieves too. I’m not sure why they’re half-assing it with these random characters introduced out of nowhere when existing ones could work in similar roles just as well. Twenty would’ve been a perfect forced assistant to catch a flasher. Just think of what they could learn.


Train mystery.

Posted in Milky Holmes | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • GF202020 says:


    …the hell? ..is that a Facehugger?

  • Jake_W says:

    You missed the Madoka cameo at 8:20!