Persona 4 #16 — Surprise! It’s a Vagina!
January 26th, 2012
The twist that never gets old.
Yawn, Naoto. The first five minutes was practically nothing but him recapping events to date followed by the usual "sit around at Junes and review what happened before" and then the usual futzing around learning more about him. These episodes have always been the weakest of this series and this is certainly no exception. If anything, it was probably even lazier than usual because they tossed a little of Kanji’s link in there before the Aiya girl just dumped the information on them. I think the writers just threw up their hands and gave up.
I still wish they could’ve pushed more of these learning-about-the-victim parts into the dungeons instead of simply wandering around town, half-assedly doing whatever social links Yuu happens to trip over. This week’s was Kanji’s. Oh boy. Naoto’s seeming initial command over his shadow along with putting himself into this situation could’ve had potential too, but… just… "Eeeeeeh? He’s not a guy!?" Over the broadcast system, no less. The bad humor to end the episode was also not exactly the best idea I’ve seen. Maybe they’ll have a real fight next week, but I can’t say I expect it.
Talk to the hand.
Posted in Persona | 1 Comment »
I never liked naoto anyway, so didm’t like this episode either.
After this I was so bored that I actually watched Amagami episode 4, that was the most awkward piece of trash that I have ever seen on my life… this season is quickly falling apart for me, so many mediocre shows.