Aquarion EVOL #02 — Flying Love Attack!
January 8th, 2012
Can it really be love if it involves three other people you’ve never met before?
While this is technically episode 2, the episode itself was only actually about 14 minutes long. I think it was followed by a cast special or something.
Well, not nearly as amusingly ridiculous at the first episode, but still plenty bizarre. One of those times when I think a simple recap of events that actually happened can do more than any wit I might conjure up.
After a brief scuffle, Sexy Nun somehow projects herself into Amata’s Snuggle Cockpit and accidentally shows him how to shoot a hand beam. And by that, I mean both a beam from his hand and a beam in the shape of a hand. This knocks off Evil Guy’s mech’s leg, so he rips one off his ally, sort of jams it on himself, and turns into a lion. This is about when Mikono has a mental breakdown, which triggers Soldier Guy to begin transmitting a vision of her and Evil Guy to literally everybody, including the bridge bunny back at HQ who has giant sunglasses for some reason. I thought that important to note. Mikono tries to accept her fate and comfort Amata, which triggers another Main Charactergasm, sending feathers spewing all over the area and resulting in him grabbing Evil Guy and flying straight out into space. This attack, known as a basic tackle to us Americans, is deemed so powerful that it needed its own card and name, the Flying Love Attack. Amata faints, spent, and lets them all ‘safely’ fall from space back down to the planet.
So yes, it has all the writing strength of Guilty Crown with only a fraction of the angst. It certainly does not have GC’s production values though. They sort of try with their CGI and their overblown church music, but that’s just highlighting how corny so much of this is. I can’t say it wasn’t amusing to at least write about though, but just like GC, probably for all the wrong reasons. That doesn’t really translate into what I’d recommend as good, but certainly a journey of wonderment. Sundays were looking boring anyway (this and Lagrange are it). Maybe it’ll be a good excuse to make fun of mechs, glowing naked people, and nuns in plug suits for awhile.
Time to join the army.
Posted in Aquarion | 12 Comments »
still not as crazy as old aquarion’s first episode