Working!! #25 — Requiem for Daisy

December 17th, 2011


Now if it ends with Poplar and Yamada, we’ll have just gone in a big circle this season.

Given how busy today is (both in animedom and real life for me), I’m just going to cover the Basara movie either late tonight or tomorrow. I know, it’s a tragic delay. You’ll live.


Better than most episodes just by dint of being about half Yamada. Unfortunately, the other half was about evenly split between Inami being Inami as usual and an endless stream of consciousness from mostly Izumi about Katanashi waiting for Inami to figure out how e-mail works. Yes, I will admit that Inami has gotten less obnoxious this season than the last, but just like switching out my gravel sandwitch for a dirt sandwich is an improvement, we’re still not to a level of palatability yet.

Thankfully though, like I said, Yamada’s various antics did take up a significant chunk of the episode too. She’s got all the energy and lack of an attention span (not to mention probably has forty bodies in her attic) that most of the rest of the cast lack. Still, I’m fairly sure that Poplar isn’t qualified to perform CPR on anything, even a stuffed bear. Her brother was amusing when he had the chance to do anything, like leap down from the sky, but then Katanashi took over and began monologuing, leaving him to just make faces in the background. Way to really use these characters, A-1.


Katanashi looks more like a serial killer than usual.

Posted in Working!! | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:

    Yes, I will admit that Inami has gotten less obnoxious this season than the last, but just like switching out my gravel sandwitch for a dirt sandwich is an improvement, we’re still not to a level of palatability yet.

    Bah, you like Inami, you are just being tsundere about it.

  • ark noir says:

    ‘THE Inami’ will lay boots to Daisy’s ass and will slap Daisy so hard, it will fly from J-pan to Yamada Guiness. If you smelllll what the Inami is cooking.

    p.s I sent you an e-mail aroduc.