Fall Seriously in Love With Me!! #01 — War Games

October 1st, 2011


Whoa, where’d this come from?


Let’s start with the bad. This show is very very clearly straining at its budget. The last third or so of the episode was excellent, but almost all of the rest of the action in the show fell into either two categories, quick stills with speedlines, or what I like to refer to as Dragon Warrior Attacks, where they show someone swinging their weapon, then cut away to an explosion (or stills of people getting knocked down). The stills were quick enough so that it didn’t look like they were hurting for the budget too much, but the sheer number of them through the first half is astounding. They also used a lot of that blurred animation thing that JC Staff in particular loves to do to cover up that someone ‘attacking’ is only two frames repeated over and over again. I also don’t usually say anything about voice acting either, but the VAs here are… well… let’s say that they need work. Quite a bit of work.

The rest though was otherwise excellent. Like I said, the last third of the episode was great, but even besides that, there’s a huge cast and they were all introduced fluidly and by what they were doing instead of having Yamato just list out who they are, as well as the war game itself. It’s called incluing and it’s the exact opposite of exposition, which I have already had more than enough of today. You get to learn character personalities and traits, like about Chris being rich, from incidental dialogue instead of a long drawn out sequence plus someone telling you about it. What an astoundingly amazing thing. Yes, at some point, they probably will need to address why there’s a robot throwing a light saber around the field at some point, but as far as a first episode introducing each character through showing them actually doing things instead of just listing all that crap out? Lerche hit it out of the park.

So yeah, I’m relatively impressed, particularly compared to the other stuff today, although there are definitely some weak parts, particularly in the first half. I doubt they can keep up this same level of action though, and I’m pretty sure that this show is meant to be a comedy as well. The comic parts of this episode were present, but very weak. Lerche did show that they can do comedy with Carnival Phantasm though, so I’m hopeful for this continuing in either direction.

Posted in Majikoi | 20 Comments »

20 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hexmage says:

    I liked the use of Star Wars blaster sound effects. Also, what’s with the girl in black face?

  • Hyo says:

    Oh~, what an interesting start. I thought they would start from the prologue of the visual novel but it looks like they did things a bit differently. Though I’m surprised to see S characters in the anime. I’m curious to see where this goes now.

    • Anon says:

      Considering this is just 12 episodes, not a good sign.

      • Hyo says:

        Yeah… after watching the raw I’m really confused where they’re going with this. I can almost guarantee they’ll backtrack next episode and start with the prologue. Though here… its like we’re going down Momoyo’s route. I didn’t expect them to actually go down a specific heroine route and instead for them to if anything go down the true end route. Well its only the first episode, but I’m starting to have my doubts as well.

      • Another Anon says:

        12 episodes is surely not going to work as a proper adaption seeing that the source material is 3.01MB of text (for comparison, Clannad is 3.16), but might be enough to just run with the basis and have fun with it. At least for those who want the source, the 3 of 5 routes translation patch should be coming out any day now, and wait a bit longer and the rest should come out.

        • Aroduc says:

          I’ll never understand the fetishism the anime fandom has for close adaptations to the source, and you hardly see it at all in western fandom. The goal should be to create an entertaining show, and adaptations should play up the source’s strengths instead of half-assing a bunch of weaker parts in the name of “it’s in the source, therefore it must be good.” Or occasionally just sever almost all ties and send the characters off on wacky adventures in their own little universe. That seems to work out rather well an inordinate amount of time.

        • Nanaya says:

          Re: Adaptations

          This might just be my angle, but I think it’s more on the flow of the story. Changing the plot around or sending them somewhere random can be pretty good, sometimes better than the main series.

          But when they change a series, 99% of the time they don’t do that. The writers throw in a new character but try to keep the plot the same, or force plot points for the ending. If it were the actual author, who knows the series best, doing these I think off-source adaptations would be better recieved (at least to me), and be better in general.

          But it’s usually not the author, it’s some writers stencilling things in that they think are good ideas. Some comments I’ve read here and there from authors of adaptations indicate they weren’t involved in the scripting past the brainstorming sessions, not to mention executive/marketing meddling.

          But yeah, there will always be some insane banza!nippon fanboy screaming about hardlining the source.

        • Another Anon says:

          I think it’s more of a problem of when the source material is good. I have no problems with them doing what ever they want to the source material, if they make an entertaining show that is comparable to the source material. Because they share titles, characters, etc, the two will inevitably be compared by people who have seen both the source and the adaption. If they change things around here, and they don’t get something that is at least close to the source material rating wise, then those who played the source material view is they have failed, and should have stuck to the source material. We have seen bad adaptions time and time again (with both VN/manga/LN adaptions), and these tend to be the worse when they take a long source and try to compress it into a short anime.

          There are a number of examples of an anime exceeding it’s source material by changing things around, and when it works it is awesome, however these are few and far between compared to bad adaptions, so many people, after seeing bad adaption after bad adaption would like them to stick to the source material, because their changes often don’t work.

          That said, I haven’t viewed the source material or episode 1 of the anime yet for Majikoi, however they better change things around here if they want to succeed in making a good show, as if they try to cram 3MB of text into 12 episodes, they will inevitably fail.

  • Aki3 says:

    I am surprise that you have not played this game yet, Aroduc. I really recommend this game, one of the best eroge I have ever played, really good, epic and funny…

  • Anonymous says:

    Huh. I don’t know why they would use the end of Momoyo’s route for the first episode, but I really, really wanted to see it animated, so I’m fine with it.

  • Hinano says:

    this show bored me to tears. after 4 minutes I kept scrolling hoping there would be something else..but it was like some weird reminsiscence of dog days without any dogs.
    Accany has a review of the eroge here http://accany.wordpress.com/2009/09/12/%E7%9C%9F%E5%89%A3%EF%BC%88%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B8%EF%BC%89%E3%81%A7%E7%A7%81%E3%81%AB%E6%81%8B%E3%81%97%E3%81%AA%E3%81%95%E3%81%84-review/

    Looks pretty standard generic eroge to me…and I think the anime expects you to have played it to actually give a damn. surprised you actually liked it, was it the boobs that convinced you? lol

    • Aki3 says:

      Did you actually read Accany’s review?

      “Highly doubtful that you would find this eroge boring. It’s humorous plot would keep you laughing and the true end would definitely satisfy you. You can’t really go wrong with this one. Of course, it helps if you like the characters though. MOMOYO, YOU’RE AWESOME”

      This game is best-selling game in 2009 mind you, so if you think it was just “generic eroge” then…I dont know…think again? 99 out of 100 people said this game is awesome. Of course some people still dislike it. You can say you hate the game but if and only if you actually have played it! If you haven’t played it yet then keep your stupid opinion to yourself.

  • Yue says:

    “The title for this is misleading.” Seriously.

  • ToshiroNoRonin says:

    I think this episode’s major failing is that other than the fact that Momoyo was the best fighter, she didn’t do a single thing that I found likeable throughout the entire episode, and the fact that she is “the best” just added to her annoying factor instead of giving her a cool edge. Was I supposed to like her? Because I don’t, and if the rest of the show hinges on that, then I’m out.

  • The Phantom says:

    This – was – amazing.

    Action from begining to end, likeable characters, very nice fights, the best of the new season so far.

  • tachi says:

    oof, the bazoongas on the black uniform chick