Hidamari Sketch x365 #09 — *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak*

August 28th, 2008


*squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak*


Well, let’s just concentrate on the first half, which was 100% Yoshinoya. The second half was alright, I suppose, but in comparison, it was pretty lame and uninteresting. Basically your usual Hidamari. Apparently it was part 2 of something, though I have no clue which episode was part 1. Given that this is Shaft, part 1 could be yet to come I suppose. I did find it funny that after the sad movie where the guy dies in his lover’s arms, everybody was crying or looking sad, except for Sae; she had a giant stupid grin plastered on her face. Even Miyako had the wherewithal to at least pretend to be caught up in the moment. Hiro is clearly too good for Sae.

Back to Yoshinoya’s various meanderings. Like all anime video game console owners these days, I saw that she owns a Wii… and plays it until she falls asleep. Or maybe just cuddles up with the vibrating controller. Basically just a normal day for her, shirking her duties to photograph herself and occasionally hiding under her desk to work on her own stuff. The Principal finally bribes her with some sparklers and she dutifully finishes her work so that she can play with them. She’s clearly the most adorable 9 year old trapped in a 25 17 year old teacher’s body trapped in squeaky slippers, and given Japan’s penchant for bending character age up to and beyond the point of believability, that’s no mean feat.


Miyako gets into trouble. What a shocker.

Posted in Hidamari Sketch | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:


  • Haesslich says:

    So, if Yuno is wife material along with Hiro, does that make Yoshinoya-sensei mistress material? And I wonder what Hiro thought of Sae enjoying the tragedy… maybe it’ll change her mind about the writer friend.

    And mmm… Yoshinoya-sensei in the bath…

  • Aroduc says:

    If you had Hiro as a wife, you wouldn’t need a mistress.

    And no, that’s not a comment on her sexual appetite.

  • sage says:

    So, if Yuno is wife material

    This is not Derailed, Haesslich.

    If you had Hiro as a wife, you wouldn’t need a mistress.

    Quoted for f*cking truth!!!

  • Haesslich says:

    sage: I consider Yuno and Hiro to be two of a type – the type you can take hom to meet the folks and marry, and be quite happy with them. Yoshinoya-sensei is the type of woman who… well, she’s more suited to hostess bars like Yasuko from ToraDora is than school. And no nine year old talks about sexual matters the way she does… at least not seriously.

    Sae definitely has problems. No wonder she only has Hiro as a friend… although for some reason, I still see Hiro as having Belldandy’s wings and Kikuko Inoue’s voice, despite the stellar job that Yuko Goto does. Besides, I’ll leave Hiro available for Aroduc or Sage – that’s why I named Yuno as waifu material.

  • sage says:

    No no, you got me wrong. I am criticizing the use of wife material, that term doesn’t belong here. Once again, this is not Derailed by Darry. No way there’s a Jason in this blog. None. I won’t accept it.

    Besides, I’ll leave Hiro available for Aroduc or Sage

    Aroduc, we can share, right? …Right?

  • Aroduc says:

    Settle down, both of you or I’m pulling this blog over and you’ll feel the back of my hand.

  • jeffng9 says:

    wow yoshinoya sensei~
    she is so funny

  • Haesslich says:

    Aroduc: sage proclaimed elsewhere his undying love for Akiko from Kanon. You and Hiro are clear sailing now. Enjoy!

    jeffng9: Yes… among other things. Also crazy, childish, amazingly easy on the eyes, and the type of girl who is likely to drive you up several walls with frustration. No wonder the Principal’s bald, after having to deal with her and trying to get her to do work.

  • Chardo says:

    I was surprised by how boring the second half of the episode turned out to be after 10 minutes of yoshinoya.

    it was like. OH GOD WHY IS SHE SO HOT…. oh.. back to the real characters…