A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives #07 — Magical Pet

August 19th, 2011


…Let’s pretend this episode doesn’t exist.


Well, this sucked. We have the godlike figure floating conveniently just offscreen to offer unspecified deals at unspecified costs and then the end result? Taito gets a goddamned magical cat. Yes, a floating, cutesty, magical, vampire cat. Hoo-bloody-ray. They didn’t even show what the deal was… or what he got out of it for that matter. I guess it was supposed to be where to find the damn cat, but since they spent half the episode searching for it anyway, who knows. They also didn’t show what he lost either. I guess it’s something about Haruka, but since 90% of her contribution to the show so far has been an endless attempt to shove food down Taito’s throat, who cares? Plus, the other ‘deal’ they showed was it bringing Taito back to life in exchange for a chunk of Himea’s powers, apparently leaving her with only enough to still destroy the universe and be hunted by moon gods. Also, I wanted to slap Taito for screaming his head off and trying to stop what was clearly not actually happening. Good god, how stupid can you be? I suppose he did manage to actually explode his brain this episode though, so I guess there’s your benchmark.

Nothing else of interest transpired either until the last minute or so when ol’ Wall-Licker showed up to knock Gekkou down a peg, which brings Gekkou’s total record to a stunning 1-3 against characters with names, having defeated only Mirai. Great work. That arrogance is certainly well-earned. Zexcs seems to still have the same issue as they did with LotLH where they have characters just say things like "I’m awesome and unbeatable" while continually showing the exact opposite. Someone should really look into that. Or really, look into anything that isn’t some goddamned magical cat.

Posted in Dark Rabbit | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • fire_endo says:


    Hazama, is that you ?
    And what are you doing here!?

  • Anonymous says:

    whats the tag for A Bridge to the Starry Skies
    Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi ? I could not find it in Completed Series but I know you did it

  • Rednal says:

    On the bright side, the cat said something about amplifying magical power, so maybe it’ll actually be useful in the near future.

    And I am amused at the way this eldritch deity thing is making him run all over and get repeatedly killed just to find a little bit of a bonus…