Dog Days #10 — Hero Express Part Two

June 4th, 2011


Electric boogaloo.


Let’s recap this episode for funsies.

There’s a demon! No, wait. It’s not a demon. It’s crying. And kidnapping princesses to keep on its back where there happens to be some kind animal spirit waiting to dump its life story abouthaving a demon sword stuck through it. Let’s save it! Okay, it’s saved. Now we’ve got a cursed sword! Oh, it’s eating Shinku! No, wait. We just destroyed the sword. All better!

Sigh. Seven Arcs, what the hell are you doing? You spawn a giant devil monster out of nowhere and then kill it just as quickly. And apparently it has jack-all to do with the prophecy. Where the hell did it come from? Why then? What happened to all those soldiers? Shouldn’t they be trying to fight it or something? Why did you wait until episode 10 to show up that there’s an entire village of bunny people? Why aren’t they fighting? Mmmm… bunny cavalry.

*ahem* As for the rest of the episode… meh. The exposition dump was dump and unneeded with an already crying-beast with a sword chained into its head and while the animation was decent, like 95% of the action in this show, featured random beam spam. You have a giant crying fox… and all it can do is use tentacles and blobs of ‘fox’ energy. Le sigh. The reason I liked the action way waaaaaaaaay back in episode two was because it didn’t look generic as all hell. It had multiple characters and some actual choreography to it. Almost everything since then has been characters slashing at generic soldiers or generic energy balls.

Anyway, To say that I was disappointing that they teased the sword taking over Shinku 30 seconds from the end of the episode, only to have Leon destroy it from miles away would be an understatement.  All that I can hope is that some piece of the sword survived and is now permanently embedded in Shinku or Milly’s forehead. That would at least give this little sidetrip into the world of nonsensical developments arising out of nowhere some purpose at least, because at the moment, god only knows. I just dread Leon inevitably thinking that this somehow averted the prophecy. The prophecy of them being dead inside a castle. Probably hers. Sigh.

Posted in Dog Days | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • There’s still three more episodes though!

  • alex says:

    this is the punishment for not making a proper post for Aria

  • shadow says:

    Is best what the stupid and boring sengoku maidens

  • Jack says:

    Ah, “Hyper Police” … still trying to make a go of it I see. Give it up already.

  • Silver says:

    I don’t think the danger is over yet though. But yes I was also disappointed with how it ended but at least it’s still enjoyable!

  • Nanaya says:

    More than anything else, I think my main priority would be figuring out how a tail works with a fully bipedal body. I mean, the lower spinal column’s setup alone, not even covering the muscular layout…

  • SeventhSette says:

    And yet, nobody seems to question how the hell Shinku was summoning Tornada (and his shield)… when Milhiore had Paladion on her finger.
