Dog Days #08 — Combat Maids

May 21st, 2011


If they were expecting an attack, why are they armed with ladles?


Yawny yawn. Another setup episode structured. It took them 15 minutes just to get to the battlefield, most of which was spent watching the Absolutely Lovely Animals banter and the good guys tease Shinku about breasts. The most entertaining part of the episode was watching the attempted ‘assassination’ plot fail thanks to not only a team of combat maids, but some actual tactics and forethought. Then again, one would think Rico would be better on the frontlines where she could do some actual damage… aaaand you might want to stash the princess somewhere other than the vanguard if the goal is to keep her safe. Also, I can’t help but think that Galette’s scouts weren’t doing their job if they really thought that ‘Rico’ was riding Milly’s chocobo.

Otherwise, not much happened. Leon reviewed the stakes, the good guys all got to beat up some grunts, and the armies marched… and marched… and marched. I still feel a little cheated that we have yet to see practically anybody on Galette’s side actually do anything… not even beat up grunts. Hopefully that’s what next week will be focused on. Or maybe I’m just rationalizing beyond all rationalizations that they must’ve been saving up the budget for something. 

Posted in Dog Days | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • >Or maybe I’m just rationalizing beyond all rationalizations that they must’ve been saving up the budget for something.

    They better.

  • Scott says:

    Did this anime really have any other choice but to have combat maids?

  • Nanaya says:

    saving up the budget for something

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