Taibun #07 — Odd Couples

May 14th, 2011


Nice pose.


Yawn. Not a good day for shows I guess. Barny sparring with Lunatic at the end was pretty good… and Blue Rose being a complete bitch to Tiger was also amusing in its own special way, but it doesn’t make up for most of the episode being Bunny throwing a temper tantrum while everybody else recaps Bunny’s background to date. Heck, his primary interaction with the other protagonists this week was to throttle Kotetsu. Now that they finally have some direction and a supervillain in the show, of course one of the main characters has to spend the entire episode acting out like an eight year old. Also, while we’re on the subject, I’m tired of seeing Bunny’s house burn. Can we please stop? This is what, the sixth or seventh time in the last three weeks? I get it… fire bad. Find some new stock footage. Please. 

That’s really about all that happened this week. Bunny told the others about Ouroboros and his family, 15 minutes of filling time, then we end up basically exactly where we were at the start of the episode so that Lunatic can reveal his master plan that was already all but obvious to begin with… but now with extra added Bunny angst. And we have some random guy that’s burned only half to death. So, uh… hooray for that? Also, I think that if Lunatic really wanted to hide his secret identity, he wouldn’t be wearing a tie with his exact colors on it. Then again, we have seen that this world is inhabited by half-wits, so he’s probably safe.




Clones, sandman, and fat statues.

Posted in Tiger & Bunny | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • RabbitPower says:

    I accidentally read Taibun as Taliban.


  • Anonymous says:

    Okay… Where’s the King of Heroes when we need him? =/

    I’ve been anticipating to see him in action… =///

  • aya natsume says:

    now could this episode somehow be a flag for tiger x blue rose?