Under the Innocent Sky #04 — Three’s a Crowd

April 24th, 2011


When surfing goth BBSes and in brains.

FYI, broadcast for this was delayed due to hours upon hours of election coverage. Technically, so was Lotte, but CR’s never let actual Japanese broadcast schedule interfere with their own.


Another episode that was basically all Hayato, all the time. I am starting to quite enjoy the little fanservice parody segments at the start now though. Now that it’s obviously a series gag and a bunch of throwaway parodies, it becomes much easier to take in. I’m still not liking Hayato all that much, and the addition of Ai, who literally pops out of nowhere to rub her breasts against his head and arm for most of the episode didn’t help matters too much either. Other than her, this episode was a bit of a drive-by mugging of showing all of Hayato’s characters through the first half with only the thinest of threads linking it all.

Obviously, the big event this week was the second half and the reveal at the end that the three of them (well, Chitose, Hayato, and Mr. Has-Barely-Appeared-In-This-Show-So-Far) are all the same person. I think I would have liked it more if they didn’t lay it all out right after Chitose flipped into Hayato due to the little fight, especially with all the other clues this episode about Chitose and Hayato’s lives being intertwined, but eh… I knew about it since just after episode 1, so c’est la vie. I think there was enough there to make it obvious without a direct conversation as to which personality is currently in the body’s cockpit, as it were. Maybe this means that Takashi will finally get some screentime… or they’ll head off to Gretagard, his fantasy escapism world. Anything that gets us away from Hayato grunting and Naru being cloyingly cutesy for an episode or two.


Takashi finally does something… maybe.

Posted in Innocent Sky | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • amyable says:

    Who invented the “girl falls on top of a guy in the 69 position” trope? He should be receiving royalties from the makers of every anime/manga, ever.

    Also why does this never happen in real life.

    • Aroduc says:

      Because it requires one party to turn a full 180 degrees as they fall. The physics are mindboggling.

  • Anonymous says:

    This show has like no budget, its mostly just still-frames after still-frames. Why they not just make it hentai?

    • Aroduc says:

      …This isn’t even the worst made show of the day, or the second worst… out of four. Or even in the bottom 10 for the season for that matter. What the hell are you smoking?

  • mango says:

    honestly, this show is just boring…

    • Anonymous says:

      did alex change his internet handle?

      I can usually determine the must-watches of the season by checking which shows comments on this blog assert are “boring.”

  • chad001 says:

    There were so many sudden hints at the MPD, it’s not even funny… interestingly enough, they’re somehow aware of each other, haven’t dissolved, and their physical body can support all three of them NEVER RESTING…