Dog Days #04 — Riding Chocobos Indoors

April 23rd, 2011


I would think the stairs would kill their ankles.


A decent episode, but in accordance to the Seven Arcs principal of only being good once every three episodes, the art and animation this week was really really gimpy. And not a whole ton happened either since there was apparently some kind of time skip and the cats retreated back to the castle while Shinku et al patiently let them leave before setting off in ‘hot’ pursuit. Shinku and Eclair took the brunt of it, barely moving in their little squabble with the soldiers. It was like everybody had nerf weapons and was too afraid to even use them. The sound work was also a little weird. Like the first episode, there was a lot of heavy drama in the air… which at this point feels like it’s just a complete joke, particularly when Milly’s enjoying her captivity and snuggling lions.

Brioche and Yukikaze’s intro was a little better animated and done, but still nowhere near the levels of episode 2… or even particularly good animation in general. Plus, they both just wrecked some grunts/towers, so again, we still have the issue of the fights being completely one-sided. Since Eclair’s facing off against the Baka Rangers/Zettai Karen Animals, Shinku vs Gaul, and Brioche vs Godwin with god only know how many other people running around in the background… along with a pissed-off Hot Pants… and we’ll be past the three episode budget-saving buffer zone, I have much higher expectations for next week.

Posted in Dog Days | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery


    C’mon Leonmitcheli, you’re the sole reason I’m watching this show.

  • keroro23 says:

    Wait, I don’t get it, CHOCOBOS?! So is this show produced by Square-Enix or something?

  • Nanaya says:

    “Quick, the princess’ life is at stake! We must do everything and expend every resource to save her before she is harmed!”

    *Cut to her in a comfy room rolling around with kittens*


    • Aex says:

      Definitely lacks a certain tension… or any at all…

    • Jack says:

      Hmmm…while I agree the scene lacks a certain amount of bloodlust, it does stay true to the script laid out in their “battles”. That being that all of the warring is more of a game. Nobody dies in battle…they just ball-up into cats and dogs.

      The Clow Cards were more dangerous than doing battle with Hot Pants.

  • Aex says:

    I really can’t take this show seriously at all. All this seriousness just comes across as stupid because there’s nothing really at stake. Hell, they won’t even take two minutes to explain anything “important” to Shinku! He’s from another world people; of course he doesn’t know anything!!! *kicks Eclair*

    Also, what would’ve happened if Shinku had said no to the declaration? They make it sound like the three idiots would have just said “Well that sucks… okay, here’s the Princess back! Sorry!”.

    Really hopping for Leon to just bitch-slap her brother next time. That would be in appropriate ending.

  • Kaisos says:

    Wait, don’t both Eclaire and Mamoru Miyano have, like, ridiculous beamspam attacks? Why weren’t they using them at all this episode?