Student Council Officers #14 — Deja Vu
April 14th, 2011
Can we just kick out everybody but Suzu and Aria yet?
Man. I already had a minimum of five shows on the docket for today (four new ones!) without this DVD extra episode rearing its ugly head.
Unfortunately though, despite being a whole whopping minute and a half longer than the show’s regular episodes, I don’t have too much to say about this. Even despite being many a moon since I last watched… or even thought about this show, it managed to feel as relatively dull as ever. That was probably also not helped by beginning the episode by recycling jokes from the first episode with Kotomi in place of Tsuda. I’d rag on it for continuing to not have focus, even when trying to introduce new characters here past the eleventh hour, but both new characters were terrible. See, she looks like a delinquint, but is actually a normal person… and clumsy! Wow! So interes…zzzzzzzzzz
As usual, Aria and Suzu had the only decent parts of the episode. Even aside from the blitzkrieg of bad skits diluting the few good ones, I don’t know what the director hates about the rest of the cast, but they seem to be the only ones that get any visual work for their gags while Shino et al have to suffer through stale straight-man routines. "I could have… not been wearing panties as I gave my speech!" –Cue grey filter– Hold for 10 seconds in silence. Okay. Move on. And no, Omigawa has not gotten any less annoying. Good god, she had about three lines and they all sounded like she was screaming into the microphone.
Posted in Student Council | 3 Comments »
Penis jokes!
Vagina jokes!
There, I wasted you 25 minutes.