Memento Yuri #08 — With Great Power

February 20th, 2025


About damn time.


Finally. This is the episode that we should've had a month ago. Big reveals about Renge (she died), but she's going to fight anyway because great power, great responsibility, and all that jazz. Into a long and great action scene, into telling everybody about it and that she's probably some kind of biological alien weapon or something, but hugs all around because she's still her. Everything you could ask for from your archetypical badass magical girl show, especially Renge’s increasingly desperate attempts to reassure herself that it’s going to be okay even as everything goes tits up, with GoHands’s animation strength actually working for them now that they've apparently thrown the guy who loves garish technicolor in a box.

Imagine if this had come at episode 4 and was the central sword of Damacles hanging over things to drive the rest of the show, along with some kind of desperate thought that maybe Yuri could be alive/revived too instead of a month of what boils down to filler. We'd be at the traditional Nanoha/Symphogear point where they're introducing an evil version of the magical girls to befriend with overwhelming firepower. Or maybe don't, because judging by the next episode preview, we're right back to entire episodes about taking baths. But at least for one week, enjoy probably the best episode I've seen certainly this season, but probably the last couple.


Next Episode:

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