I Love My Coworker #01 — Work Mode

January 6th, 2025


Yeah, I get it. Tsunderes.


I did my time a couple seasons back with Pseudo Harem. I'm not sure I have another brainless rom com in me just yet. Which isn't really an indictment of this one. It's… cute enough, I guess. The two characters are supportive and positive enough of each other for the relationship to actually have a little chemistry and their interactions to be actually kind of adorable instead of obnoxious like certain other supposed rom-coms this season, or in anime in general. And more importantly, seem like an actual relationship. I will say that the music is kind of crap, and it's certainly less subtle than Pseudo Harem was, with the dude having to announce that she's blushing or cute almost nonstop.

Buuut there's still no substance achieved, nor even attempted. It's lacking the drive from the characters that a show like B Gata had where they actually want something in particular, struggle, make mistakes, learn, grow, etc. It's just a series of about five short vignettes of them at work, talking about how they'd rather be dating, or on dates, talking about how it's a struggle to be at work. It would be a lot more engaging with at least a little substance to it, but given the manga, that's unlikely to be in the cards. Fine enough if you're in the mood for a mindless little feel-good romance, but like Pseudo Harem, I already feel like it's going to be in one ear and out the other.

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