The Do-Over Damsel #01 — “Dragon God Rave”

October 9th, 2024


Now that sounds like a party.

Unfortunately, it's rah-veh, so it's not a party at all.


I'd do the whole "Stop me if you've heard this before" schtick, but even I'm tired of the repetition of what is itself a recitation of how repitive these premises have become. Princess betrayed by evil fiance, time loops, accidentally becomes betrothed to ostensible enemy who's actually just a relatively normal dude. It's telling that his 'evilest' moment is him calling off his army when she displays her resolve. The current version is actually far creepier because they keep bringing up that she's like 15 and he's an adult, and how much he loves that. 

I'm not even sure how to judge these things anymore. Whenever it's time to animate anything complex or that could be fun, like the action scenes, it resorts to stills, but has plenty of budget for silly faces. But if it's trying to be all Game of Thrones-y with incestuous murderous lunatics and teenage brides, why are we making goofy faces about it? Splitting your tone two ways interferes with both. She's not the worst of these protagonists in my memory, but I can't say that she's all that inspiring either. It may just be that we haven't yet reached the part where she tells off some bullying maid and everybody claps yet. 

I really don't know what I'm going to do with this season. There's technically two more shows (Overlord 2099 and Wolves of Mibu, both on Saturday), but there is nothing that's struck my fancy even a little. Yuck. Time to advance to the bargaining stage.

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