Teacher at Demon School #01 — A Girl Wears Pants

October 8th, 2024


Loud equals funny.


I think my opinion was fairly set about three minutes in after the dude shows up at a sprawling island metropolis and is amazed that they have… convenience stores. That really set a baseline for what was going to be considered surprising and how he was going to react to things. Then the OP kicked in with maximum volume and not so much singing as it was a choir of yelling. Things would not improve from this point.

That's the core of the show. A thing happens, and someone, typically the titular protagonist, yells loudly in reaction. Including that a girl is wearing pants. That's right. A girl wearing pants is enough cause to yell three or four times about how 'wrong' that is. This is apparently a joke worth milking. Truly the peak of modern anime comedy. 

Next Episode:

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