Puniru is a Slime #03 — Fighting Children

October 20th, 2024


And losing.


Going through the multiple long transformation sequences certainly didn't help this episode, but neither did most of it being recycled jokes. A whole flashback sequence just to redo the handshake joke at Puniru-land from the first episode, the bisecting hug, and the playboy dude wanting to hang out with kids. The third segment had the closest thing to new jokes, but only new to this series. I also feel somewhat called out by the Kirby mini-game sequence just for recognizing it from a now 30 year old game, though knowing Kirby, it's probably been brought back at least a dozen times since then. But it also stands out, not the least bit because you'd think they'd be making Dragon Quest jokes… or it'd be a part of a whole segment of NES-era references and jokes instead of just a very isolated reference.

I'm out of town next weekend for a wedding, which may be the real test as to whether I want to continue with this since I won't get to it until either Monday morning or very late Sunday at the earliest. Maybe new characters will add something. Maybe I'll have gotten over this season entirely and spend the rest of it in a fugue state.

Next Episode:

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