Demon Lord 2099 #01 — Extremely Censored

October 12th, 2024


Come on, it's cyberpunk.


The most appealing part of this episode was the titular overlord staring blankly whenever people would ramble incoherently about hacking or their favoite mascot characters. And rambling incoherently was the name of the game here. The episode was about twenty straight minutes of exposition. I guess at least it sort of got through the statement/introduction of the premise, but the protagonist barely did anything more than stare blankly as people mostly explained this particular flavor of cyberpunk technology to him before defenestration.

It's all especially silly since it's cackling and rage over the dude just staring blankly like a confused labrador. Rare as it is to say it, this is where a flashback or something to display why there was so much ranting could have done some good, but what would have done even more would have been the protagonist doing anything beyond shambling from one infodump to the next. That might've taken some animation effort though, and that may be too much for JC Staff these days.


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