Delico’s Nursery #01 — Hilariously Political

August 7th, 2024


The legend of TRUMP.


You'd seriously expect them to have at least the awareness that maybe a nonsensical shortened phrase that happens to match a global politician probably should be changed, especially if they're going to be going on about it as some kind of mythical vampire thing. "TRUMP is but a legend!" "We can't put our faith in TRUMP!" So on and so forth. It's short for "TRue of VamP," so it already doesn't make sense to turn that into TRUMP, but hey… sure, it lets there be something notable about this episode, so let's call it a positive.

And that's where the positives come to an end. Well, perhaps the artistic style is kind of a positive in that it's at least different from the norm. Not much actual animation though, so all those zillions of individual hair strands just hang there in the air like they're been locked in place by a gallon of hairspray. Despite the stabbing at the start of the episode, the rest of it is melodramatic vampires (as if there's any other kind), sitting around and discussing how dramatic things are and how something must be done… eventually. What a first episode hook. Somebody should do something… eventually, because of the legends. The legends… of TRUMP!

Next Episode:

Posted in Delico's Nursery | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Chipp12 says:

    TRUMP is making vampires great again!

  • Opera says:

    This was mentioned in another site, but TRAMP could have worked just as easily. Much rather prefer that honestly.

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